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*Grace's POV*

I just finished putting up the red flag letting people know it was a Rip current and high tide to stay at the shore when I see two girls walking in the water. I start running down to them to tell them about the rip current when I see one of the girls get dragged away by the current I was just trying to warn them about. "GIRLS COME ONTO THE SHORE!" I yell running at them with a surfboard type thing we use to help people out of the water.

 I finally get caught up to one of the girls. I have Jonah following me because I can't save both of them at once. "Swim over to the lifeguard behind me so I can get your friend out of the water." I say looking over at her as she nods and begins to swim to Jonah.

 I get to the other girl and see that she's gone under so I pull her up and put her on the board to hold her up as we swim to the shore with Jonah and the other girl. "Are you alright can you hear me?" I ask looking at her as we get to the shore. She coughs and says, "I c-c-can't b-breathe.." "okay okay I'm gonna carry you to the tower and we can go from there." I said picking her up having Jonah and the girl follow me to the tower. 

I Immediately lay the girl on her side to help her cough up the water and get her an oxygen mask to put on her face laying her flat on her back to relax. "Did you guys see the flag?" I asked looking up at her friend who seems to be in better condition then she is. "No we honestly don't even know what the flags mean." her friend says honestly. "Red means there's a rip current or high tide and you need to get out immediately, Yellow means stay closer to the shore, and green means your fine to swim." I say. "What happened out there?" I asked. 

"Well we started swimming deeper into the water and all of a sudden I heard you tell us to get to shore so I grabbed her hand to get her closer to the shore and we got ripped apart by the current." Her friend explains. "Can she swim?" Jonah asked. "No." she said blankly. "Can you swim?" I asked. "Yes, I didn't think it would be a big deal, she probably hates me." She says looking down.

 "Why?" Jonah asked. "Because she has aquaphobia." She says quietly. "Oh.. Did you make her go out..?" I asked as she nodded. "Alright well she's okay.. she just needs to stay here for a bit longer  you could go back to your friends. Where are you guys on the beach? I can bring her back when she's ready if you want." I said thinking that the girl might not want to see her friend when she's ready to leave. "The tent across from the tower.." She said. "Oh by the way what's your name?" Jonah asked. "Drew" she said. "She's a bit shaken up why don't you walk her to the tent Jonah?" I ask knowing Jonah has acquired himself a crush. "Yeah that would be great" Drew says nervously. They walk out and I help the girl sit up.

"Hey darling are you alright?" I ask. "You've been really quiet. Your friend is gone." I say.

"I-I almost died.." She says leaning into me. "But you didn't your alive and breathing.." I say looking into her eyes. "I'm s-scared of the water.. I can't even swim.." She says with a shaky voice looking as if she was about to cry. "Hey hey you're alright.." I say holding her hand and looking into her eyes. I don't know why I feel the need to protect her. "Th-Thank you for saving me.." She says as a tear streams down her face. "no.. no don't cry. It's my job that's what I'm here for alright? I enjoy helping people. In fact I'm the one that set up your tent." I say trying to distract her from the fact she almost drowned.

"R-Really?" She asked sounding surprised. "Yeah what's your name darling?" I asked because I thought she was nice and genuinely wanted to be her friend. "W-Wait you don't already know my name?" She asked sounding surprised again.  "No I kind of live under a rock when It comes to celebrities honestly." I said. "Billie." She said. "Cool I'm Grace." I said smiling. "So do you want me to take you back to the tent? I'm sure your friends are worried" I asked. "C-Can I stay here I really don't feel like seeing them right now.." She said looking up at me. "Yeah of course.. the gate for the beach closes at 8pm though so you might want to go back to the tent before then." I said. "Okay.." She said still leaning into me I didn't mind but I don't think she wanted to get up. 

"I'm going to get up and get you a chair alright?" I asked not wanting to alarm her when I got up. "Alright.." She said. I got up and got her a chair. "I'm going to take the oxygen mask off of your face.." I said and she nodded sitting in the chair. I took it off of her face and sat down with her. "So what happened today? Why'd she make you go out on the beach?" I asked nervously trying not to pry. "Well they think my aquaphobia isn't as bad as I say it is so they kept begging me to get in the water with them I got annoyed and said yes." She says as she sighs.

"Well no offense but I think you need to find better friends they should never pressure you into something that makes you uncomfortable.." I say looking at her getting lost in her beautiful blue eyes. "They aren't all that bad.. I mean.. they treat me like the little sister that gets dragged along to things because in reality they are really my brother's friends." She says sighing again. "Maybe I should introduce you to my friends how old are you?" I ask "19" She says. 

"Grace go switch the flag to green the high tide is now low tide and the rip current is dying down." Gage says. "Who's this?" "Gage this is Billie I helped her earlier she's chilling at the tower until close." I say getting up. "Billie this is Gage is another life guard on the tower with me I'll be right back." I say as she nods.

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