the beginning I guess

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A morning, as usual, normal morning as usual, but could be best than the expired butter Eunchae accidentally spread on her bread, while she was in a rush to reach school. She loved reading books and she had read many in the past couple few weeks which were mostly fiction I guess.....
She'd spend most of her night time, awake like an owl to read books, and end up late for school at least twice a week. But this time, she was late every other day. She ran over and across every single path, every single obstacle that came in her way with the speed of a dog-chased person, you know what adrenaline does to people.

Something caught her attention!!
It was a tall and splendid tangerine tree which grew in the Grumpy Man's garden which would stick out it's leafy branches, now with a couple tangerines, catching the eyes of any person who passed by it. But no one had never really dared to "Aquire" the fruit in general. She dared to jump up as high as she could and when she finally(nearly)had her hands on it a manly, fair hand, probably of a man did it than her hand could. It was this blondie boy which height greater than Eunchae's, beautiful than Miyage and was literally a doormat for Eun-chae to step on every single time he was annoying.
BTW his name is Haruto

Right away after this happened, Eunchae fell and salmmed on the ground in a way serously no metaphor could really describe or maybe it's just me not being able to find an appropriate one.

She got some part of her leg hurt and it was a pain as if a thousand shards had been poking with an extreme force. Her fall gave her pain, the pain residing slowly, led the way for irritation, then to anger, then to fury, which all found an exit through her fist which nearly knocked off Haruto but she missed what she had aimed for and fell to the ground with the resounding echo of failure when she fell on the ground.

Haruto broke out in laughter, which annoyed Eun-chae, and he peeled of the skin of the fruit, and ate the fruit which was juicy indeed, pleasantly sweet, but not nauseatingly sweet and the sourness accompanied the sweetness which was great. He asked Eunchae to stand up on her feet and offered her some. She was certainly annoyed by his smile but denying food was not the correct way to describe the extremity of her heat.

Both then realised the inevitablitity that they will probably be late for school, so they ran and stumbled along the way to the school.

They were fatigued and were breathing in and out as much air they could. But when they saw the time it was past ten but the one of them with the dissapointment realized it was Sunday and communicated the same to the other........

Eunchae broke out in tears..........

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