1. The Coffee Shop Mob

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The peaceful library stood nestled in between a coffee shop and a record store, soft sunlight filtering through the windows. Few people milled about, some browsing the shelves while others sat quietly with their books. A few teens played videos games in the bean bag corner, shoving each other and cursing quietly.

I also sat in the bean bag corner, a bit further away from the teens, in the very corner of the building. Tapping away at my computer, oblivious to anything going on around me, I was determined to finish this last assignment. It was a book report, and I'd been putting it off for a while. I had no clue what the book was about - I didn't read it - so I just had to bullshit my way through this.

After what felt like hours of typing and browsing YouTube (though I'm sure it was only about 30 minutes) I finally completed and submitted my report.

"Aaaaaaand done!" I whispered to myself, stretching my arms above my head.

The sun had begun to set by this point, casting long shadows on the walls and floor. Taking a long sip of my smoothie, I got to thinking about the coffee shop next store. It was a pretty nice place, with its nooks and free wifi and all. Oh and the workers there were just wonderful, always so kind and hospitable. Really made you feel right at home.

Though, it really made you wonder how much they got paid. And what exactly kept people coming back to that coffee shop? It surely wasn't the coffee. Sure they had smoothies and pastries too, but they weren't anything special. So I started looking into it. Started watching the place after hours. Saw some things I shouldn't have.

I confronted the owners about it. Told them that we could make a deal: they give me free drinks and I keep my mouth shut about their shady business. Shockingly, they didn't kill me! Instead, they actually took my deal and guess who gets free drinks every day. That's right- me, bitches!


As I proudly sipped my dragon passion fruit smoothie - whatever that was - I decided to reward myself for all my hard work today. Sure my "hard work" was just some school assignments but come on, give me at least some credit. And for all my efforts my reward would be - drumroll please!


Playing on my computer until the library closes!!!

But what to play, that was the question. I could play Five Nights at Freddy's, but that required not screaming out of fear in a quiet library, so that one's a no-go. What about Danganronpa? Nah, I've already played that game to death and the novelty of it wore off quite some time ago. I could always play one of my visual novels, but after all that writing I'm a bit tired of reading so much.

Then it hit me- Your Turn To Die. It was perfect, it had the creepy aspect like Freddy's, trials like Danganronpa, and less reading than a visual novel. Hell yeah, let's play!

...Is what I would have said, if I could actually find the game. The usual link wasn't working, so I had to do a lot more digging than usual to get to the home page. Once I got there though, I knew something was wrong. The weirdly-targeted ads in the margins, the dark layout of the page... This definitely wasn't the regular site.

'Oh well,' I thought to myself, 'sketchy as hell website. Sure, why not?' and so I clicked 'play'.

In hindsight, I really should've put more than two seconds of though into what I was doing. The game loaded up like usual, sure, but the scene was wildly different. Instead of the main character Sara being at her school in the middle of the night, what I got instead was a quiet little coffee shop. The sky was painted with reds and pinks and purples, casting the building in a warm light. It sat nestled in between two other buildings, though I couldn't make out what they were.

Confused, I clicked on the door of the coffee shop which looked suspiciously like the one next door. 'The coffee shop I go to every day' said the text box. I tried clicking on the other buildings, but the text box didn't change. Seeing nothing else to do, I clicked the 'move' button and selected to only option: inside.

As the scene changed, soft music began trickling into my headphones. The inside of the coffee shop looked exactly like the one next door - same placement of tables and couches, same front counter, even the area behind the counter was identical to its real-life counterpart. "Creepy..." I whispered to myself.

I tried clicking on a few things, but the text box only changed to '...?' and nothing else. Seeing as I'd clicked on literally everything else, I tapped the 'move' button again. This time, two options popped up: 'outside' and '...?'. I figured 'outside' would just bring me outside again, so I selected the '...?' option. The music stopped.

The game brought me back outside, but the scene was different this time. Instead of showing the quiet little coffee shop against the setting sun, what I saw was a dark alleyway littered with trash bags and broken bottles. I guess this is what's behind the coffee shop.

As I clicked around the alleyway, I saw the tiniest sliver of white pixels at the very end of the alley. As soon as I clicked on it- 'BAM!' the text box read, the screen shaking as the point of view shifted closer to the end of the alley. 'BAM! BAM!' Again and again, the point of view was shoved forward as the white pixels slowly started to form into the front of a car.

'BAM! BAM! BAM!' Until suddenly-

All the screen showed was the open back door of a big white van. The screen shook one final time before the sound of car doors slamming shut filled my headphones and the screen went black.

...And then my computer crashed, and everything around me went dark.

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