2. Hindsight

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Had I fallen asleep? My neck was stiff and my arms were certainly asleep, so I guess I had. The first thing I noticed after the lack of feeling in my arms was the distinct lack of light in the room. The only illumination came from the moon, already high in the sky.

The next thing I noticed was how empty the building was. Was I the only one in here? Anyone that once browsed the shelves, sat in the chairs, even played video games here was gone.

My computer was still open, but no light shone from the screen. Not even the power button was lit. Had the battery run out?

I took off my headphones, closing my laptop and stowing everything away in my backpack. Turning on my phone light, I realized I didn't really need it. The moon was so bright it showered the room in a cool glow. So I put my phone away.

Slinging my backpack on my shoulder, I made my way out of the building and onto the sidewalk. As I started to walk towards my home, a loud creak and a bang made me turn on a dime.

The coffee shop's door had swung open.

It wasn't even windy outside.

I know I should've just kept walking, just ignore whatever weird ghost shit is going on. But I didn't. I felt...like I needed to figure out why that door had swung open. Yeah I know, I know. I'd be the first to die in a horror movie. Could you really blame me though? Not knowing would've bothered me all night.

So I went into the dreaded coffee shop.

...It's just a building. A dark, empty building with a...shining light out back? As soon as I saw it, it disappeared. I started walking to the back door, drawn by some unseen force. I couldn't stop myself, something was...pulling me toward the door. I've never been through this door before but deep down, I know where it leads...the alleyway.

I knew what would happen if I walked out that door. But I couldn't stop myself as my hand reached for the door handle. I could only stare wide-eyed as the door creaked open ever so slowly.

I stepped out into the alleyway.

As soon as my feet hit the pavement, the door slammed shut behind me. As soon as I heard it I knew I had sealed my fate.

"Shit!" I yelled, spinning around and yanking on the door handle. Before I could do anything else, I was forced to the ground. As my head hit the concrete my vision went blurry. I could hardly hear the yelling all around me. Someone heaved me off the ground, dragging me toward the end of the alley.

I looked up, bleary-eyed, at the white van. I could do nothing as I was shoved uncerimoniously into the back of the van, all light vanishing from around me.

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