7. I can see the stars in your eyes !

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(Y/N and Harry are 19, they are both in college and Harry isn't famous)

Summary: They wanna live while they're young ......

It was 2 at night and I was laying on my bed with my laptop on my lap and I was watching some cartoons , I was completely zoned out. Last couple of days have been super rough for me. I have been feeling like shit and my best friends Liam , Niall , Louis and Zayn including my boyfriend Harry have been trying to cheer me up and I really appreciate them , because even after me constantly trying to push them away they have not given up and they still are doing little things , like today I woke up to sunflowers at my door with a little note 'I love you Sissy' that was from Lou , he has always been the big brother I never had , and I am so grateful for him , all the boys have been sending or doing stuff for me the whole week but my favourite was receiving Horan hugs . They all call me to check up on me, and Harry visits me everyday, even on days where I either didn't acknowledge his presence at all or I yelled at him for nothing and although I have apologised to him multiple times but I still couldn't get rid of the guilt for taking out my stress on him . Despite me being cold during most of his visits he kept coming to my place even if he had to spend the whole day on the couch watching bad trash TV shows , he even kept the volume down because I live in a small apartment with one bedroom and when my anxiety kicks in sounds irritate me to no extent, and sometimes did his homework too. He even ordered or sometimes cooked food for me . I cannot express how much I love this man and how grateful I am for him .
(A/N : Someone get me a Harry please)
But today when Harry didn't visit I felt like he was done with me , I mean I couldn't complain anyone would be fed up with the way I have been acting lately . I couldn't help but feel upset that I pushed someone so precious out of my life just because of my stupidity . And before I knew I was crying , after about 5 minutes of staring at the wall with tears falling from my eyes and my breaths got shorter and soon I was having a panic attack, this was the second one this week but when I had the first one Harry was there and now he isn't that made me cry even harder, I could hear a weird noise and everything around me was spinning, my vision blurred with tears and I couldn't stop sobbing . And suddenly I felt someone picking me up and hugging me super close to their body and slowly stroking my hair , I felt a little more calm but I still couldn't get my breathing to get back to normal .

I still couldn't figure out who the person was but I knew that I was safe , it felt right . And I was certain that there is only one such person who could make me feel that way and it was Harry , my best friend and my boyfriend , who has always been there for me just like he promised . I could now hear his voice just a tad bit clearer , and the sound of his voice brought me some type of warmth and my breathing was starting to get better , i wasn't gasping for air anymore , my sobs were now turned to whimpers , but tears were still streaming down my cheeks , I fisted at Harry's t-shirt and stayed as close as it was humanly possible , I was clinging to him as if my life depended on and it did in a way .

I was in my most vulnerable state and if there was anyone I could trust in such a raw state , it most definitely was Harry . The way his eyes would get teary just by seeing me sobbing and struggling to do something as simple as getting air in my lungs and the way his voice would crack while trying to comfort with his words just showed how much he cared for me , it's been a year since we have been together, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I was in love with this boy , I fell and fell hard , and I am aware that falling in love can be scary at times but with Harry I didn't mind getting hurt although I trust him with my life and know he wouldn't do a thing to hurt me , I wasn't scared and I won't stop myself from falling in love with this angel with green eyes and dimples.Realising I was in love with him while he was comforting through a panic attack was crazy but I wouldn't want it any other way . By now I found myself grinning like an idiot against his neck , I hugged him tighter and I could clearly hear him saying

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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