Selfless Love

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Rey opened her eyes to find herself in Ben's arms. She felt different, closer to him somehow. She felt his hand resting on her stumach, she moved her hand to place it over his.

She could feel relief washing over him and she remembered that only moments ago she had journied to a world of pure starlight.

She sat up and looked at him. Her heart leapt as she saw that he was smiling. Ben had truly returned. They were finally free to be together.

She cupped his cheek in her hand, staring into his eyes for a long moment before her gaze dropped briefly to his lips.

She leaned closer, pulling him into a warm kiss. She closed her eyes savoring the oneness with him she felt, the feeling of his lips against hers.

Finally they pulled apart and he beamed at her. Rey couldn't help but smile in return, she was happier in this moment than she had been in her whole life.

But no sooner than it had appeared, his smile faded. He fell backwards and she wrapped her arm around him to break his fall.

Rey took his hand, she could feel it; he was dying. Hot tears began stinging her eyes. Please don't take him from me, she begged the Force and all of the Jedi who had aided her in defeating Palpatine.

She closed her eyes, trying to will every ounce of the Force that she could, every ounce of strength that she had left; strength from him.

She opened her eyes to see a ethereal figure. Every inch of him glowed bright blue, but it was his presence that brightened up the cathedral.

He placed his hand on Ben's forehead. "If only I had been so selfless, I could have saved the woman I loved. He truly did finish what I set out to start... To save those I love."

"Who are you?" Rey asked in a whisper.

"Anakin Skywalker, Ben's grandfather, " he replied. "He wouldn't want you to give back the life he gave you."

Rey fought her tears back. "But... I... I can't live without him."

"I know, " he replied. "That's why I am going to give you the strength you need." He placed his hand on her shoulder.

Rey closed her eyes and poured a part of herself into him to make him whole once again. She could feel the Force flowing into her from the hand on her shoulder, filling her with renewed strength.

She opened her eyes to find Ben squeezing her hand gently.

She collapsed on top of him, embracing him. Then she sat up and turned to Anakin. "Thank you, " she whispered.

He nodded, then slowly faded from sight.

Rey looked at Ben again. "I love you, " she whispered.

That beautiful smile returned to his face. "I love you too."

Rey smiled. "I know, " more than anyone, she knew that he loved her, selflessly, unconditionally. She combed her fingers through his hair, before kissing him enthusiastically.

(500 words excluding author's note)

I wrote this one shot for starwarsfans challenge: "The Final Goodbye" This has to be my favorite challenge I've ever done on Wattpad! As starwarsfans said in the challenge, they really are the galaxy's most beloved couple.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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