Part 5, Dylan's confession <3

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Dylan's pov
I came back into my living room after carrying Aurora into my room and tucking her into my bed. As I sat down, Tyler sat in the arm chair to my left and stared at me with a huge, smug grin spread across his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him quietly with a laugh.
"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe because I know that you have a big fat crush on the girl that's currently lying asleep in your bed?" He replied his grin growing bigger with every word he spoke.
"I don't have a crush on her. She's my best friend." I replied.
"You are such a bad liar! Look Dylan, I'm your best friend, I know you love her! Hell, I'm pretty sure everyone in this damn world knows that you love her!" He fired back. He was still grinning like the Cheshire Cat but his tone was serious.

I put my hands on my lap and looked down at them. I wanted to tell Tyler that he was wrong, but I couldn't. He wasn't wrong. I was in love with Aurora Sharman. I knew that I was in love with her, I just never wanted to admit it. Not to Tyler, not to anyone apart from myself. I felt like if I just didn't tell anyone how I felt about her, then my feelings for her would just go away and we could remain best friends and nothing would ever be awkward between us.

3rd person pov
"Hey, um, are you okay?" Tyler asked, his voice full of concern, after about 5 minutes of silence. Dylan was pulled from his thoughts about Aurora back into his conversation. Dylan looked up "yeah, sorry man, I guess I got lost in thought." Dylan replied with a shaky voice. It wasn't until then, that he realised that he was crying. Dylan wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands and stood up. There was a sound of footsteps coming from the other room but the boys were to distracted to notice.

"Tyler, you're right. I am in love with her. Ever since that night she came into Holland's house crying, I knew that there was something about her. I don't know how to explain it but I knew that if I got to know her, I would love her. The look of pain behind her eyes made my heart want to split into two. Even though I had never even talked to her before, I felt this need to comfort her and be there to support her. And everything I said to her that night, about how she should be treated like a princess and nothing less than that, I meant every single word of it. And then we became best friends, and I'm so grateful to have her in my life, I really am. But every time I look at her, I want to tell her how absolutely fucking gorgeous she is. Every time she talks, all I can think about is kissing her. Every time she smiles, it makes me feel happy and giddy like a little fucking high school boy. Every time I hug her, I feel safe and hopeful." Dylan let out a deep breath, tears were still rolling down his face. He lifted his shirt to wipe his eyes with it before he continued, "But then I sit back and realise than I'm never gonna be what she needs. I'm never gonna be what she deserves. She is way out of my league." Tyler just stared at him with sympathetic eyes as he paused again to wipe at the tears that were now streaming down his face. "The beautiful girl that means more to me than anyone in this world, deserves a handsome Prince Charming to come and sweep her off of her feet. But me, I'm not her Prince Charming. I'm just her best friend who tried not to fall in love with her, but ended up falling harder than he ever thought was possible." He stopped and took a few deep breaths as the tears fell down his face like a never ending river and sighed. "You know, sometimes when me and her have moments like we had tonight, when she falls asleep in my arms cuddled into me, I sometimes think that, maybe just maybe, I have a chance with her. That she could be mine and I could be hers. And then I'm pulled back into reality and it hits me all over again, that she's a princess but I'm not her Prince Charming. And when that sinks in, it hurts, it really fucking hurts. That's why I've never said any of this out loud before. That's why I've never admitted to you, or to anyone apart from myself for that matter, that I'm completely and utterly in love with Aurora. I love her Tyler, I love her so fucking much it hurts." Dylan wiped the tears from his face again with his shirt as he finished confessing his feelings to Tyler about Aurora. Tyler, by this point, had now also become a bit emotional at his friends speech and a few tears ran down his face.

There was a sob and a sniffle that was heard, but it didn't come from one of the boys. Tyler's gaze suddenly shifted from his best friend and focused on something, or someone, that was behind him. Tyler gulped as Dylan slowly turned around. Dylan's jaw almost dropped to the floor at what he saw. Aurora was stood in the door way of the living room, tears pouring down her face, her mouth forming an 'o' shape, her bottom lip quivering, making it obvious that she had heard at least some of what Dylan had said.

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