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     Popularity-    My life was super simple and easy. My dad owned 4 hotels, and my mother worked as a popular model. Everybody knew them. And everybody knew me too. I mean, when your the daughter of two very popular people, you've got to be the talk of your school, right? Well yeah, I was the talk of my school. I had the captain of the football team, Quincy Jones, as my boyfriend. My parents were famous, as you already know, and I got really good grades. Not to mention the fact that I had lots of style, due to being the daughter of a model. When class was finally over Quincy came up to me and asked, "Hey Hannah, would you..uh..wanna go to the dance with me...?" He seemed shy, and I don't quite understand why. "Yeah, of course. I'd love to!" I said all peppy and excited. I never thought of Quincy to judge me for my beauty, but for some reason it occured to me that I only thought I was beautiful because my mom was a supermodel. Was I wrong to think that? 

When I got home, I saw my mom drinking her evening tea and reading her book, "How To Be A Better Wife." Dad had got her that book for Christmas, and I personally think it's working. "Hey sweets, how was school today,? my mother asked me, her eyes filled with curiosity about my day. "Well, nothing much..except the fact that....QUINCY ASKED ME TO THE DANCE!!!" I shouted out excitedly! She came over to hug me, and then told me, "tomorrow, we go to pick out your dress!! I have the perfect place!" She was so excited, and so was I!! As I walked to my room, I heard my parents arguing. I didn't realize how bad it was until my mother slammed the door. "Why me?" I asked myself silently in my head. I rushed to my room and cried, and right before I shut the door, I heard something I never thought I would hear. "I'm DONE.!" my father said, but what did that mean? A lot of people thought that being popular meant everything in your life was perfect, and you were flawless, but that wasn't true. AT ALL!  Sometimes, I didn't like popularity.


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