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"They're gone!"

She sat on the wooden bench that was the only piece of furniture on the rooftop of the apartment building where they lived. She felt her knees wobbly and weak so she thought it best to steady herself with the support of that wooden bench. It was wide enough to lie down, and so she did.

Red exhaled sharply as she gazed at the dark drapery of the night sky filled with stars. Just like that, the day went on to an end.

Was it the same day when Andrew pulled her hair tie off of her hair? Was it the same day they almost died with exhaustion from running lapses after lapses around the track oval and playing softball afterward?


It's the same day.

And it was also this day when out of the blue, a not-so-common hailstorm occurred followed by a spectacular display of aurora borealis-like lights, and further followed by a flying carriage which she had personally ridden on going home.

And the men said it wasn't magic.


'I must be losing my mind.'

'Maybe it's just my imagination gone loose.'

But the solid, real letter was still clutched tightly by her own hands. 'It's real.'

She sat upright and inspected the letter. One side was already partially torn from her earlier attempt.

She could feel her heartbeat drum like the most powerful percussions. She wetted her lips and braced herself before she pulled the contents of the envelope in one single flick of her fingers.

Everything appeared so extravagant and luxurious. She even smelled the letter to confirm her suspicion. 'Yep, it's scented.'

'Dad must be loaded.'


Before anything else happened, she found herself already crying – sobbing – with so many emotions.

'They said this letter was from my father.'

'Is it really him? Or some conman?'

'I'm so scared to be disappointed again.'

Red mustered all her courage – eyes still blurred from tears – as she unfolded the letter with trembling hands.

She inhaled sharply at first before reading.

Because of the tears, the task had gotten even more challenging. 'Ugh, damn tears.'

It read:


My dearest daughter Princess Meredith,

First of all, your mother and I would like to apologize for not being there when you were growing up.

Believe me when I say that it is for your own welfare that we had to resort to this option. The time is now ripe for you to rejoin us here in our empire.

We are all busy preparing for your Coming-of-age Ceremony which will happen on the eve of your eighteenth birthday six months from now.

I am hoping that you will be here before then.

I am writing in advance to give you ample time to make the necessary arrangements before you leave your current abode. Say all your farewells.

I am excited to finally be with you, my precious daughter, Princess Meredith.

Red's First LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant