Part 2

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So, why is the show stock industry so fun? I'll tell you. Instead of playing sports where you only play other teams around you. You compete with people from all over the United States. There's always someone new in the ring never the same old people you've been show against since you started showing livestock. You meat people from all over the the US. People from the south with southern accents that talk slower or people from the northern states the talk so fast. I have friends that live so far away and we connect so well since we have the same passion. They live on the other side of the country. Some people I'm friends with we very rarely see each other but yet we have a better friendship than the people we go to school with and known since we were little toddlers. The friendship that can be made are incredible and last longer than a lifetime. Traveling, you can see so much of the US going to shows to and from different states. You can't fly since you have livestock with you so the truck and trailer are your second home. I absolutely love being in the barn playing and just being with my animals. My animals are my everything. These animals are your pets but more than just pets you work with them every day for the next show. They know you so well they aren't dumb animals. They are so freaking smart to learn and train the way they do. Not to mention you know these animals like the back of your hand. Just one look and you know if something isn't right with the animals. Money, lots of show give out money for shows if you do well enough you can easily make over $100 in one day or show weekend. The money can help in so many way for your animals/projects or what ever you want. You talk to so many people from all over. You get out of your bubble for sure. Communication is something that is a amazing skill that you learn from the livestock industry.
That's just some of the top things that you get out of the livestock Industry. There are soooo many more thing that are incredible that you take away from the livestock industry. But not everything is just good and amazing.

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