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1. Do NOT control any characters that I am playing, this includes your crush. I play your crush, you play mine and that's how it goes. If you would like, you may ask to have two crushes, however, that also means that you will have to play two crushes for me.

2. I will not tolerate if you try to break or bend any of my rules, if you would like, you may talk to me about them. But don't ignore them.

3. A crush is a requirement, you may ask if Luna can be your crush but it is not a guarantee that I will say yes, keep that in mind. You can NOT have any of the slender brothers or Zalgo as your crush. Or Sally.

4. It would be best if you are ok with a lot of stuff, because I tend to include a lot of different themes in my writing. This may include NSFW themes, gory themes, violent themes, and angst themes.

5. If you are illiterate then unfortunately I will not RP with you, and I won't tolerate one liners. I'm mostly looking for more people who can write a decent amount.

6. Do NOT make the RP all about your character, however, with that being said, that doesn't mean that your character can't be in the spotlight for a bit. More will be explained on this rule below.

7. No Mary/Gary Sues, if your character doesn't have compelling and reasonable flaws and an interesting story/concept, then I will have to deny them. If you are having difficulties with any of this then feel free to talk to me about it, I would be more than happy to help you develop or round out your character a bit more. Also, your character must be 18+

8. I've noticed in my time of hosting RP books that people tend to only check out the earlier plots, it would mean a lot to me if you read through all of my plots before deciding which one you would like to do. That way the plots that are more at the bottom have a chance to get some much needed love.

9. Permanent death is a big no-no for me, I get attached very easily and it upsets me greatly. You may fake a death or have a character disappear or die temporarily, but please warn me before hand.

10. When doing weaknesses, be sure to include physical and mental weaknesses. And when doing likes and dislikes, try to put as many as possible. Now I understand there is no way for you to put them all, but please do try to get as many as possible.

11. Please tag people you think would enjoy this book.

12. Look over my OC's form, please. I spent a lot of time on it, and it's going to show if you don't.

13. There is a password.

14. Please use my form, unless you are tagging. But even then, you have to fill out the tagging form(don't worry, it's rather simple.)

OKAY, now that's done, regarding the 6th rule...I'm trying a new concept for something I like to call Events. What is an event? I'll explain. Calling an event basically let's the other person know that 'hey, my character is going to be in the spotlight for a bit' so that the other person can go 'oh, ok. I'll prepare my characters to direct their attention.' It's a way to include drama without seeming like your taking over the Roleplay, because I don't know about you, but one of my fears is being a bad Roleplay partner. Now, onto different kinds of events.

Small event: A small event is an event that can last about a week, possibly two maximum in Roleplay time. They usually come and go without leaving too much of an impact. This can be something like, getting injured, getting kidnapped for a short time, getting into a fight that needs extra attention. Etc.

Medium events: A medium event is a stepping stone for a big event, they create plot entries to make way for a large event. A few medium events can happen before a large event. Basically a medium event let's me know that a large event will be happening later on down the line.

Large event: These are very impactful to both plot and character, and always result in some form of character development. These are the most fun ones to do, and they are great for spicing things up if things get bland.

Please always say when an event is going to start, or if you are going to start one later, and always say when the event ends. There always must be a cool down between events. You can give as much or as little info on an event as you want, but please at least say a small smidge of what it includes. Like...'hey I'm about to do a (small/medium/large) event where (insert character of choice) gets (hurt/kidnapped/in a fight/etc etc.)'

If you have any questions whatsoever, you may ask them in this chapter. And don't be afraid to ask, even if it seems trivial or you just want to be sure of something.

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