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(A/n: hello, just an FYI all of this is in Jeongin's pov unless I say otherwise so just assume it's his pov)

"Ya Jeongin stop standing like an idiot and help us with these boxes" I heard Beomgyu scream from outside. See I'm in the process of moving into my ✨BRAND NEW APARTMENT✨ and my best friends (and only friends) Yangyang and Beomgyu are helping me move in. "Coming, I just wanted to look around my apartment again." "Um Innie you know how stupid you sound" "What HEY that's mean Yangyang" "Sorry Innie, but you said you wanted to look around your apartment as if your moving out and not in."

"Ha Innie's an idiot" I glare at Beomgyu and then I said "Oh look how convenient, the box I'm carrying has all the kitchen utensils, especially the knifes" and I gave Beomgyu a sweet sarcastic smile. I saw Beomgyu gulp and then walk a little faster which made me and Yangyang laugh.

After a little bit we moved everything in except one thing left.......

the couch

"Ok let's divide and conquer boys, Beomgyu you take the right side, I'll take the left side, and Yangyang you lift the backside. Ok ready 3...2...1..." and it began. The most challenging thing about moving, the couch. "Yah Jeongin why didn't you just call some movers"Yangyang "Yeah like are you even lifting cone on."Beomgyu. "Oh quit complaining both of you and just lift also Yangyang I can't call movers cause I'm a college kid who just got an apartment and only works in a cafè."

After a bit more arguing and lifting and a couple of bruises here and there we finally set the couch up in the living room. We then just splatted on the couch all sprawled over each other. "Mmhhh....I'm hungry, can you make us dinner Innie pleeaaassee"Beomgyu "Yeah Innie pleeeasssseee"Yangyang. The heard them both complain about being hungry and decided that I might as well seeing as I was hungry myself and they did help me move in.

"Fine I'll cook but I can't go anywhere with you 2 pigs on top of me" "Yah I am not a pig, I am a little sheep" "Yeah Innie I'm a baby bear not a pig, how dare you call us that after we just helped you" they got off of me and with that I walked into the kitchen to start dinner. Then I heard Yangyang quote-on- quote whisper "We should move all his stuff outside and make him move it in by himself." "YOU DO REALIZE I CAN STILL HEAR YOU ALSO MOVING ALL MY STUFF OUT WOULD MEAN MORE WORK FOR YOU!" I screamed from the kitchen and then giggled at my friends antics.

Little did I know there was 7 shadows watching us...

A/n: ok so what do you think about the first chapter, this is more of like a prologue. I hope you guys really like it. This is actually my first time writing a fanfic and I still have many more fanfics to come.

me and my ghostsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin