Saving Paris

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"Bye bye little butterfly," Ladybug waved at the butterfly flying up in the sky. Then she turned to Chat Noir who was waiting for her to do her thing.

"Pound it!" They bumped their first.

"Good job, m'lady." Said Chat Noir and Ladybug loughed a little.

"Can you wait here for a second," he said and jumped off a building before Ladybug could say anything. "Hope he comes back soon. I will transform back in about a minute."

"M'lady" said Chat Noir and Ladybug turned around.

"Would you go to see a movie with me? We don't really get to hang out together unless we are saving Paris." He smiled awkwardly and gave her one ticket.

"I'll come if I'm free. But I really have to go now, I'm about to transform back."

Chat Noir smiled happily. "M'lady"

Then Ladybug stretched her jojo and went away.

"She is so purrfect." Said Chat Noir looking back at her. Then he laughed at his own joke. And returned home, where he transformed back.

Adrien falled down to bed and looked at the ceiling. "She said yes! I mean she said she will come if she will be free!"

Plagg ate some cheese. "I don't get it, why do you care about Ladybug so much."

Adrien smiled: "Ladybug is to me whay that cheese is to you. Kinda. I like her... A lot."

Plagg: "Wow, I get it now! Go get your Ladybug!"

At that time Marinette returned home.

"Tikki, Chat Noir asked me out. But I still like Adrien. What should I do?"

"You should go! But you have to be real with him. If you don't like him, you shouldn't lie."

Marinette falled to her lower bed. "I do like him. I just don't know. I said I will come if I I'm free. I really should go. You are right. Adrien doesn't like me anyway."

Marinette sat up and gave some macaroons to Tikki.

Chat Noir x Lady Bug Where stories live. Discover now