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Chat Noir looked right and left. Ladybug was nowhere to be seen. He got sad. "She did said she will come only if she is free. Meybe she just got something to do."

"Hey, kitty!" Ladybug surprised him from behind.

Chat Noir smiled. "You came m'lady!"

Ladybug took his hand and pulled him it to the cinema. "Come, I don't want to miss the movie."

They sat down and looked at the big screen before them. "I'm really glad you came, Bugaboo."

Ladybug smiled and said: "I said, don't call me that, kitty."

Chat Noir just smiled at her. "Look movie is starting!" Ladybug moved his head with her hands.

They where both looking at the movie as Chat Noir touched his face where Ladybug did before and blushed.

Ladybug realised what kind of movies they are watching. A horror movie. She hates horror mobies. She got a little angry at herself for not checking what are they watching.

"Is everything okay, m'lady?" Chat asked.

"Yes, I just didn't know that we are watching a horror movie. Ahh!" She jumped and screamed beacuse of a jump scare.

Chat took her hand and to callm her down.

"Don't worry. I'm here. Sorry I didn't tell you we are watching a horror movie."

"No, no. It's not your fault. You gave me the ticket and I didn't even checked."

Chat got little surprised: "So you are not mad at me?"

Ladybug shook her head. "No. Just don't let go of my hand. Please."

Chat nooded and smiled brightly.

Chat Noir x Lady Bug Where stories live. Discover now