Chapter 39

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Kimberly's POV

Today is Saturday January 25, they decided to take the whole situation to trial today since yesterday we had school. I still celebrated my birthday yesterday and filed to adopt Kiara. "It's okay Kim you can do this" Kiara says "We can do this" Mackenzie says.

"As a family" I say and they repeated it. "All rise" the judge says as she he walks in then she tell us we may sit. My parents pleaded not guilty which means mom is going to try and play the victim but right now Kiara is up and our lawyer is asking her questions.

"So when did you start to believe that your parents had something to do with your sister's death?" He asks "My mother gave me and my sister two days to grieve and then expected us to get over it. It was the diary that Kylie hid in our rooms and their actions." She says and he nods he had no more questions so it's mom and Dad's lawyer turn.

"So Kiara you claim to have a recording of them admitting to the crime?" "Yes which also my father admit to threatening my sisters life if her girlfriend didn't stay away from her." She says, Kiara may seem like a child but she doesn't stop until she gets her point. The lawyer asks her a few questions before calling me up.

"So Kimberly you got a girlfriend right?" "Yes" I say "And your parents have spies on you and your sister?" "Yes" I say "So they're trying to protect you is what I'm hearing." She says "I don't know about you but having someone watching you isn't comfortable." I say "Why do you think your parents killed your sister? It could've been her girlfriend that she was sneaking around with." She says

"If you're a parent you would be sad or at least hurt that your daughter died. My parents didn't shed one single tear my mom went back to work the next day and told the students that their education is more important than her daughter. My father was just his normal self it's like he didn't care at all.

Tiffany loves Kylie and you can tell unlike my parents she was there for us. Kylie had no business being by the LGBT community territory anyway because Tiffany was at work and all her friends are from different communities so that means she was put there." I finished and she had no questions left "In the diary Kylie left what did it say?" My lawyer asks

"On Halloween she somehow knew what was going to happen and it said that our parents gained more information about her and Tiffany's relationship probably from the spies. She knew that they was out to get her so she gave me the diary to know too." I say then after a few questions mom was on the stand fake crying and saying how she just wanted to protect us and all that.

Then we got to the adoption stuff after they was pronounced guilty. "Kimberly you do know that adopting a minor comes with responsibility like feeding her, clothing her, providing her with a home, and paying for school?" The judge asks "Yes I do" I tell him about our home and how we've been saving up money and they let Kiara talk. "We'll take a 30 minute lunch break which will give me time to decide." He says

"We did it Kim they're going to jail." Kiara says as she hugs me "Yeah but that's only one part of it." I say then we go get something to eat "We gotta get some groceries and stuff for our couch." I say to Mackenzie "We have to do a lot." She says and I nod "Come on we should start going back." Kayla says so we get up and throw away our trash.

"Kimberly!" "What?" I asked looking at Kayla "Control your hair." She says "I don't control the wind" I say before walking up. I was really nervous and I think the judge wanted me to feel that way but then he said that I can go through with the adoption so Kiara is my sister/daughter.

"We have to celebrate" Kiara says "Waffles and ice cream?" Mackenzie asked and we nod "We gotta show you guys the house." Mackenzie says and I nod "Our couch came in" she adds "Since the couch is black I'm thinking of this table or this one." I say showing her "I like the first one" she says "Yeah me too" Mateo and Kiara says.

Now we're at the house and got the kids eyes covered "You ready?" I asked them and they nod so we take our hands off their eyes. "No way" they say "Are you for real?" Mateo asks and we nod, they hug us. "Lets go inside" Mackenzie says as she hands me the key.

I forgot how beautiful this house was "I'm thinking we get some pillows and furry blankets." I say and she nods then we go upstairs "This is my room." Kiara and Mateo says "No it is not this is our room the master room." I say "Fine" they say before going to pick their rooms which is across from each other. "These rooms are big" Alyssa says and we nod "Lets go we're going shopping." Kiara says so we get back in the car and go food shopping.

"How are you guys food shopping when you don't have pans or anything?" London asked "I took my stuff from my parents house" I say "What did you do with Kylie's stuff?" Elliot asks "Some we kept the rest we gave to Tiffany." Kiara says "That's smart" "Yeah she said she was going to ask us for it but she didn't know how we would feel." I say

"At least you still got some stuff" Kayla says "Yup stuff she probably would've wanted us to have." I say before we put the food away.

A couple weeks later

"I'm home" I yell "I still love the sound of that." Mackenzie says "Well I love you" I say before kissing her "Get a room." Mateo says playfully and we laughed "It's almost 11 what are you guys still doing up?" I asked "Mackenzie let us stay up" they say "You guys are just going to throw me under the bus like that?" She asked and they laughed

"Go to bed there's finals tomorrow." I say and they say goodnight before running upstairs "Come on we got finals too." I say "You'd be so amazing with our kids" she says and I blushed. "You're so adorable" she says before she picked me up and take me to our room.

These pass few weeks been amazing now there's no territories that belong to this group or that group. We're one big community which is amazing and to see kids be happy for once. I love my family every Friday is game night so we order pizza and hot wings. Also since I'm kinda famous they like to be my bodyguards. But other than that and all the bad things that happened I'm glad that I have these people by my side always and forever.

Bye bye now xoxo

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