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Hey! I'm Y/N James and my best friend is Vinnie Hacker. So let's go back a little and give you a backstory about our relationship.

Vinnie and I have been friends ever since we were born. We were born 10 days apart (Vinnie being the oldest). We do everything together. When I say everything, I mean everything. He taught me how to skate, etc. We talk about our days, girl and boy talk OF COURSE because that's what besties do! Our moms have been friends since they were in elementary, pretty cool if I say so myself. Vinnie is pretty popular on social media too with 6.7 MILLION on tiktok! He always has little girls SIMPING and THIRSTING over Vinnie, I think it's pretty funny and we always joke about it. Our relationship is really good and pretty tight! We have ABSOLUTELY no feelings for each other which makes everything easier.

Authors Note
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was so long I just needed a backstory so this wasn't confusing. Anyways, have fun reading 😘

Besties - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now