Chapter 1

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June 9, 2234. Tuesday
I woke up living in a small town of West Virginia I must say humanity has gone down hill , this is my new journal btw. so um if anyone from the super future ever finds this here is how life was "back then" I guess.
1.) it sucks
2.) all has been wiped out from wars very few civilization
3.) you are split up in to two sections in each town. fight and government , or in southern states farmers, and scientist.
4.) people will kill you Onsight stay low.
5.) education is poorly done
6.) technology has been done for , for a long time no cell phones anymore yes t.v nothing else oh and cameras
7.) also for your part in town there are typically 5-10 family that have a mix a parent from both sides (me)
8.) government is something not to be messed with
9.) people hate others no one is your friend no one should you trust
10.) crime is typically normal sadly enough
11.) finally best tip have a dog they are your only best friend
Ok well now we're set so let me get into today. so I got this journal at a local market square from a lady who seemed desperate for money so I come from a more then doing ok family so I bought something, this journal I thought it would be filled with lots of crap cause we don't know how to make good paper anymore so we use old notebooks. oddly enough it was empty pure white lines sheets wow it's perfect. I love this journal, but no one knows I have it,
The only thing that was in it was a little drawing done by what looks like a seven year old of a guy giving a girl flowers saying your beautiful. if only humanity was like this now or could see this now poster boards billboards saying positive stuff. lord knows how nice that would be, but I shall keep dreaming but I keep the drawing of stick figures and flowers. i then heard my parents come in I had my journal the one in righting in now they come in acting very odd and statue like. they don't talk to me at dinner but they look at me but at the same time the state right past me I play along. I hear a knock on the door. my mother opens the door doesn't say anything still staring into space. me playing along afraid not too when two people from the government state (Maine). walk in and start wrecking the place as if looking for something my journal. CRAP I reliaze then I also realize my dog if he is out of place they might kill him but he's smart he won't. they leave after a good 45 minutes saying not here move out I go up to my room to see my journal again and I flip threw every page. till I realize again, I skipped a whole section. towards the back full of drawings saying humanity matters don't lets us die like this. the last one though caught my eye, as it said,"government you take all of what we have but you will never take any of what we are, so if we die you can die with us." is there stuff like this everywhere that they are trying to get rid of, is there hope for humanity. idk just yet but I will know. goodnight journal I will be back soon enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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