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Katniss' POV
Once again, I was pushed roughly through a crowd of boys, extremely confused, and without a weapon. Except, now I was extremely confused because that stick of a boy used some sort of voodoo magic on me. What the heck was a lyre? I feel like I've heard that at school. And why did Percy call that huge kid a Cyclopes? Now that I know is from school.

Where were the other tributes? I mean, I go through a tube and come out in a metal box with Peeta, a bunch of skinny boys, and a two girls. None of these kids look like the tributes from the training room.

I soon realized that we had stopped walking and everyone was looking at me. "What?" I snapped. Peeta smirked and whispered from behind me, "They want to know your name and where you came from." I nodded and held my chin high, "I'm Katniss Everdeen from District 12."
"Where is that?" the Thomas kid asked. I shrugged, "Right now I'm not sure."
"Okay Katniss, we got some questions," Alby stated. I glanced at Peeta and he signaled to let him answer since he was a people person.

"Where are you from?" he asked. I snorted, "We literally just told you."
"Let me talk!" Peeta hissed in my ear.
"She's got a point," the Asian kid said, "That was a dumb question."
"Why don't you just ask the questions Oh-Smart-One?" Alby taunted.
"Fine. How'd you get here?" he asked. I held back a laugh, "That huge metal box."

"Let me talk!" Peeta said again.
"Who asks the dumb questions, slinthead?" Alby asked Minho, who just rolled his eyes. "Explain in detail." he stated. "Okay, we went through the tubes, and then there was this clanging and we both ended up in the metal box," I told them.
"For the love of God! Let me talk!" Peeta said out loud. "Wait, tubes?" Thomas asked. Peeta and I sighed in harmony, "Look," Peeta said, "You won't understand unless we tell you out whole story."
"Well," Minho said, "It's only noon, start talking."

"So," I started, ignoring Peeta's glare, "We're from District 12 in Panem. Once a year, a two names get drawn out of a bowl from each district and they get sent to an arena to fight 22 other kids to the death. This year, me and him were drawn. So we went to the Capital and did all this training crap before we got put in tubes that were supposed to lead us to the arena. But, I was jerked to the left and ended up in that metal box with him," I finished, pointing at Peeta.

There wasn't a single face that understood what I was talking about. "Our continent used to be called North America, but after a major war it was pretty much destroyed." Peeta added. Percy from the prison paled and whispered something into Annabeth's ear, who also paled. I stared at them with a deadly look on my face until the blond girl cleared her throat, "Umm... we," she said, motioning towards her and the three other guys, "live on North America, and from what I understand we are still in North America."

Thomas looked at Alby with raised eyebrows, but Alby just ignored him and asked the girl, "Is it destroyed?"
Percy scratched his head, "No," he replied then added quickly, "but there is definitely a war brewing."
"Wait, so you're from the past?" Thomas asked.
"Or your from the future," Annabeth stated. There were some mumbles from the group of boys. I had to admit, the thought that we could be from the future did give me the chills.

"Okay!" Alby yelled, silencing them before pointing to Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, and Grover, "Your turn." They exchanged looks of doubt, before percy sighed, "Alright, have you ever heard of the Greek gods?" Everyone shook their heads and there were some shouts of "no." But something clicked in my head, "Yeah, actually, we talked about them a little at school." Peeta looked at me weird and I just shrugged, it was so long ago but for some reason it stuck in my head. "Well," Percy continued, "They are... beings, that live on mountains and control different things. For example, Zeus is rain and lightning, Poseidon is the ocean, Athena is wisdom, Ares is war, so on and so forth. Everyone assumed them to be myths, but they're not, they're real." he took a deep breath, "I would know, I'm the son of Poseidon."

A large guy scoffed. "Gally, would you like to comment?" Minho asked him sarcastically. "Yeah, I would." Gally said, clenching his fists. He didn't say anything. "Well, spit it out!" Newt finally shouted. Gally glared at him, "I don't believe a shuck word he says! He's acting like Thomas, just prancing into the Glade, asking questions he shouldn't know, and now he's claiming to be the son of some high and mighty mermaid! Next thing we know, Thomas-the-freaking-super-boy is gonna be the son of someone just as high and mighty exactly like this slinthead is saying!"

Suddenly, there was a little light, like the one that appeared over my head. I ducked and tried to look at it, but it wasn't above me. It was above Thomas. It was a little owl, perched on a book. Once it had faded, Annabeth slowly walked over to him. When she had reached him, she slapped him on the back and gave him a big smile, "Hey, brother."

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