Chapter IV

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I woke up on the floor. My stomach hurt like hell, and my head was throbbing. My hand was drenched in blood. It didn't work.

"No!" I shrieked. I sobbed for a long time, deep, wrenching sobs. Every breath I took was like I was stabbing myself again. 

I realized the the blade was still buried inside of me. Wincing in anticipation, I put both hands over the knife. Pulling it out slowly, I almost passed out again. Once it was out, I collapsed in pants and hiccoughs.

I wanted to never move again.

There was still the possibility that I would bleed to death. I lay there for a long time, and even made a few more cuts.

After several hours had passed, I decided to try the fast route again, except this time I would do it right. I angled the knife so that it would go underneath my ribs and pierce my heart.

A hand caught my arm. "No," Emily whispered. She wrested the knife from me, which wasn't hard since I was so weak. "Leo!" she screamed once she saw my stomach and wrists. "Leo, help!"

He raced up the stairs and threw open my door, which had blown shut. "Emily, what's wrong, and why are you in Alice's room..." he trailed off when he spotted me.

"Leo, you understand," I started, then coughed up blood. "Leo, you understand... let me die, please, please, please..."

"Emily, go next door and ask for help. Call 911," he ordered. She left without hesitation. 

My older brother looked lost. "Why?" he asked finally.

I answered him, even though every movement hurt more than the last. "Why do you cut?" 

No reply.

"That's why."

Only a few minutes later, we heard the wail of the ambulance. Leo went downstairs to show them where I was.

I finally blacked out. I hoped it meant that I would die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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