Chapter 1

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It was late in the afternoon and nobody was in the bar, light music played above on the speakers and everything felt a little too bright. She turned in the stool to gaze three seats over, she had met someone special in that very spot, and she came back all the time, so she could feel the spark of what they had that night. Adora sighed and sipped at her drink, the spicy taste burning her throat on the way down.

That night, she felt real. Like a real person with feelings, who could actually love someone. And the thing is, she married her. The girl that made her yearn and breathe her in like air, was no longer able to draw that same reaction out of her. It was dumb, really. Who gets married after knowing each other for two hours? There was no romance. Just pure attraction.

Adora tapped her fingernails onto the sticky surface in front of her. After years of being cleaned and wiped, it still maintained its grimy feel. She had visited this place all the time when she was younger, now it felt empty. She used to have fun, drink all night with her friends, and live her life. Now, she was expected to settle down with someone she met and married on a whim. It was a perfect idea at the time. All of her friends were getting married then, why not her? And now look where she was. Alone. Drinking her feelings out.

She and her wife went to a 24-hour wedding chapel and said " I do " purely drunk off of their asses. The next day, they woke up in Adora's apartment with shitty rings on and excited faces. Now, four years later, she wasn't as excited. Just tired. And she tried. She really tried to make it work, to form a relationship out of nothing, but she just couldn't. They could be friends. It totally could work, but Adora didn't have it in her to break it off.

Her legs swiveled herself back around and crossed under the table. She was supposed to be at "work" right now. She put her glass down and leaned her head on her arm, watching the ice melt inside. The woman she married thought she had a rigorous job that needed long hours and weekends, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. The truth is, she was a Computer repair technician, people came to the store when they had problems, and that was it. There were only 3 people and it was boring as hell, but it brings in the money.

When footsteps sounded across from her, she knew just who it was. " Hey, Adora. You got any plans today?" The optimistic man washed dishes as he spoke, his face grinning. Adora looked up from her slouched position to her friend's eyes. " No, I don't, Bow."

She and the man went way back. They were friends in high school, all through college, and now. Bow even was one of her witnesses for her marriage. The day was so fun, kids walking into big commitments without a care in the world.

Bow was the biggest supporter in her life and Adora partly blamed him for the mess she was in now. Even though her friend thought she was helping her get with the love of her life, a small piece of her wished he wasn't so damn persistent.

" Aw, you're still in that funk with Glimmer? You know you can talk to me about it." The black boy said, slinging a dishrag over his shoulder. Adora looked at him and smiled weakly, " You always know what to say Bow."

Her friend sighed and walked around the bar to sit in a chair next to Adora. He tilted her head, and collected himself, thinking of the words to say. He started with, " Adora, I've seen your happiness decline over the years. And I feel bad for not talking to you about it until now but... I think you should talk to Glimmer about it." The blonde looked away from her friend and furrowed her brows.

" C'mon, Adora. She doesn't deserve to be in the dark about all this. She's your wife. Don't you think she deserves to know how you feel?" The other girl glanced at her friend and saw the genuine concern on his face. She spoke up exasperatedly, " Bow, I don't know what to tell her! We've been coexisting for four years. She loves me, but I think I don't-." She stopped abruptly, her throat becoming dry.

Stripped of Your Love| Catradora AU Where stories live. Discover now