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  You might be asking yourself, to what extent did imperialism mark a turning point in world history? Well according to, ¨Coeditor, Monthly Review. Author of The Age of Imperialism and others. New Imperialism, period of intensified imperialistic expansion from the latter half of the 19th century until the outbreak of World War I in 1914.¨ Imperialism is good , but also bad in some ways. Everyone Has different opinions. For some people it was good, for some it was bad.

Like I said before, according to ¨Coeditor, Monthly Review. Author of The Age of Imperialism and others. New Imperialism, period of intensified imperialistic expansion from the latter half of the 19th century until the outbreak of World War I in 1914.¨ In ways it's bad,for example it wouldn't let colonies create business. It made new and strict rules, and might have even started war. People died due to imperialism. It ruined some people's lives.

According to,, it says,¨Imperialism was a good thing for the world. it allowed nations to gain more wealth, and through which they could better their nation. Imperialism allowed countries to gain power, as well as technological advances. Though there were some cons to imperialism, it was still a good thing.¨But that's only some people's thoughts, like I said before It was bad in some ways.

People did die because of imperialism. 42 to 65 million died. But 5.6 to 17 million died in the U.S.. Thats right,just because, says imperialism is good, doesn't mean it is. Don't get me wrong it's good in some ways.The only thing is people died,things got taken from people and colonies.

So,in conclusion imperialism could be good or bad. It doesn't matter who thinks what. It could go both ways, everyone thinks differently. If you think it's good and someone said it's bad, that's their thoughts. Your thoughts are more important and you should think the way you want too, not the way other people want you to think. . 

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