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I was tagged by -Destiny_Star_865

1 ,My zodiac sign-  Virgo!

2, Umm words I say a lot- anime, cat, todoroki, duck , sweater/ hoodie and outside!

3, umm I do both

4, yes I talk to my self a lot TvT

5, I have never had really short hair by hair is almost in the middle of my back AND the shortest I have had is a little below my shoulder . so I prefer long hair

6, umm depends I love shades of blue, some purples so ye it depends on the color

7, I took a test and the fates I got was 70 words per minuets for like 10 seconds on my computer but I have a kindle and I Duck at typing on it and that's why it takes forever for chapters to be published.

8, for me its called ILP its a class at my school and it stands for independent learning project. We do 2 ever year we chose a topic and research it and stuff and I chose how I can make my own pigments/paint from natural materials. And for my end goal I am going to make paint!

9, umm I have two dark and bats TvT long story short I was 7 and there was a bat in my room and me  being a  dumb kid thought it was a giant moth and then it started shreeking  and I got scared and I was told by my grandpa that it was a vampire bat.

10, umm I don't think I listen to either or those nor have I heard of them TvT

11, and by surname do you mean last name? If so why the duck would I give you dat!

12, umm swimming,outdoor sports, being up high "like on a tree"

13, Joining Wattpad and making amazing friends on here!

14, summer !

15, umm I don't know yet

16, I don't have a phone but umm piano tiles and Minecraft , YouTube, Wattpad

17, easy manga!

18, mha manga!

19, for mha characters of be real

20,umm running in the room and then falling

21, hoodie-loving ,simp, boring/ chill

22, umm idk being in mha or being with / meeting some of my friends on Wattpad in irl

23, it's messy

24, I think my height is 5'3 umm I don't know my weight off the top of my head

25, wall paper ! If my friends sees this she will never let me forget it

I changed it yesterday to this I have been going back and fourth cause I like these both

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I changed it yesterday to this I have been going back and fourth cause I like these both

I changed it yesterday to this I have been going back and fourth cause I like these both

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And now the tags!







If I tagged you and you didn't want to be tagged just tell me in a dm Oki bye!

Have some snacks too 🍔🍟🍙🍕🌭🌮🌯🍿🍠🍘🍚🍚🍛🍦🍝🍣🍤🍥🍡🍦🍧🍨🍩🍢 and bento!!!!🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱🍱

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