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skye's pov 2019

it was all kind of strange. i haven't known toby for long. he's the shy sort of person, really.

yeah, i'm young. so is he. but we figured age doesn't matter.

it started in year five, at a church school. when he first joined he was never chatty or willing to talk to anyone. in fact, the teacher had to set two kids to stand by him to try and make him feel more ''comfortable''. i think it made him stressed; the way he swayed side to side and always tried to walk away from them.

to be honest, i wasn't the sort of girl who would go up to someone and say ''hey! wanna hang?''


i'm not like that.

i'm skye, 4''9, 9 years and the B+ type of girl.

my auburn hair is always either kept in a low ponytail or a high, depending on how my mood is; low means feeling careless and high means loving who i am.

luckily it's usually high.

i never really wear skirts because i'm not what you would consider ''skinny'' and apparently they didn't suit me. so i just wore joggers.

and..breast size..lets say i was an early developed kid.

due to the fact that i was one of the kids who actually enjoyed school, i wasn't very popular. it would always be the boys with their messy hair and hoodies and the popular girls with long hair and skinny stomachs and small breasts. at least that's what the typical stereotype of a popular girl is in my school.

but still somehow i managed to have two friends; not many. i can name them if you like.

so there's nadia for one; a beautiful foreign girl with beige skin and rosy cheeks and curly brown hair. when her hair was down it was beautiful.

then archie. he was a straight up nob head and all he did was try to impress the popular girls. yet somehow he found a liking towards me and decided to be my friend.

so yeah i wasn't very popular but i was glad that i still had some friends.

the first time me and toby spoke was when we were in the playground and we were playing tag. 

of course archie was it because the popular girl alexa had tagged him. and now he was coming towards me. so i ran, duh!

archie kept chasing me and i was getting tired. my anxiety was rising because i knew that if i were to give up i would be called ''loser'' like i usually did back then by the boys.

but toby was there as well seeing that i was panicking, he came over and he stood infront of archie and said:

''tag me instead and give her a break.'' archie listened to the last bit but didn't tag me or toby and just went back to the others.

''thanks!'' i said to him.

he smiled and walked back over to his spectating corner.

something inside me stirred then. something that i dont think i'd ever felt before, but i only thought it was a minor thing.

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