Mor quotes but from mah fren

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These quotes are from LuigiFan620 :v

Captain: Am the sand guardian! Guardian of the sand!
Captain: Fuck off!
MrCheese: Here's a fun idea
MrCheese: We hang a little leaf like a mistletoe but you have to fight whoever's under it
MrEgg: We are not doing that
MrCheese: Mistlefoe
MrEgg: No
MrEgg: We need a new plan!
MrCheese: I have several ideas!
MrEgg: One that doesn't involve murder.
MrCheese: I am now out of ideas!
Player: I like dark humor.
Captain: *Turns off lights* Why did the chicken cross the road?
Captain: *Throwing rocks at Player's window*
Player: You have a phone for a reason.
Captain: *Throws something at Player's window*
Player: Di-did you just throw your phone?
MrEgg: TheGentleman and I have a mutual friendship.
Stoner: OK. Question. What do bees make?
MrEgg: Honey?
TheGentleman: Yes MrEgg?
MrEgg: You son of a bi-
Stoner: Do you ever feel like you've run out of things to do in life?
Veteran: I obsess over gay people, I'm at my peak bro.
Captain: Dude you were so drunk last night.
Player: W-what!? No I wasn't!
Captain: You threw Charlie and shouted "I CHOOSE YOU EKANS!"
Player: Captain doesn't have a crush on me!
Mother: Yes he does
Stoner: He does
Veteran: He totally does
Captain: Yes I do
TheGentleman: You like Mr. Player? Quite odd.
Captain: Says the person who's dating a fried egg.
TheGentleman: Touche.
Player: VETERAN HELP! I told Captain I would make us dinner and I can't cook for shit!
Veteran, pouring milk into the cereal bag: You've come to the right person.

That's all I could find XD
Again these came from LuigiFan620 not me -v-

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