"The Black Girl"

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Every since I was born I've been called, "the black girl." Honestly, I think it's kind of rude, but what do I know? Anyways, my mother alway tells me about my birth story. She said the doctor who was helping deliver me was farting, because he had ate chilli earlier that day. I always laughed when she told me, "I didn't think any of us were going to make it..especially with that fart!" I loved when she laughed, she had this generous type of laugh, the laugh that made you feel warm and cozy. It-It comforted me..in ways I didn't know possible. But anyways, you probably want to know a little bit about me , "the black girl." Well, I was born in Louisiana,  my parents got married a few years before they had me, I'm 18 years old...and I HATE LEMONS!! They are super sour, I mean who'd like them? 

Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention I have a boyfriend....? His name is Leo..he's so cute..and I'm not embarrassed to say that, I tell him all the time. Anyways, I never really liked him before until we....kissed. You know how some people say, "A kiss lasts a lifetime..?" Well I never believed it before, but now I do. His kiss was magical..and the funny thing was, he had LEMON LIP BALM ON!!! As I mentioned earlier, I hate lemons. But he made it taste..good? He made lemons seem like my favorite thing in the world, besides him of course! Anyways, my mom called me downstairs for dinner so I ran down the stairs to the delicious smell of steak, potatoes and asparagus. I didn't really eat meat..because I WAS vegan, so my dad always gave me the "impossible meat."

"Hey sweetie, come on and sit to eat dinner. What do you want to drink?" my mother asked me, as she walked over to the fridge to get out our options of beverages. "Hm...maybe some sweet tea? with lots of sugar!" I said excitedly. Being from Louisiana, we LOVE sweet tea, and soul food! She nodded, and got a big, clear glass cup and filled it with ice cubes, and my favorite sweet tea. "Here sweetheart, enjoy your dinner!" my dad said, and then he kissed me on the forehead. He passed me a fork and knife, and cut my steak for me, like he used to do when I was younger. "Dad..I'm 18..I'm not a baby anymore. I can cut my own food. ok?" I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and said, "I know dear, but you'll always be my baby!" Even though he had cut most of  the food for me, I still ate it..and it was so good! I gulped down my sweet tea, as my parents started a conversation. "So dear..," my mother started in, "how's school going..and Leo..?" My father got this  ants-in-my-pants feeling whenever I talked about Leo because..well..he's a boy. "Uh..school's going fine I guess! And Leo..he's fine mom! In fact..he's calling me right now, I gotta go..I'll be back!" I ran outside and answered the phone. "hello? Nicci?" Leo said as I struggled to click the speaker button. "Yeah, I'm here what's up?"

Leo: um..you know..your a little dark toned, so for our school pictures, I got them to filter you and make you look lighter!

Nicci: Excuse me?? YOU THINK I'M TOO DARK!?!?!?! If you'd dont like me for me, then why are we even together? 

Leo: Well not to be rude..or offend you..but the other girls are lighter, and we just want to make you look more pretty!

Nicci: SO YOU THINK I'M NOT PRETTY HUH?? Well guess what?? WE ARE OVER. And an FYI for you, I'm not like other girls okay? SO STEP OFF.

Leo:   :O

After that phone call, I hung up and deleted his number. How could he? I thought he loved me for me..? Like all boyfriends should. It's simply just called respect!  I pulled the door open, abruptly walked in and slammed it behind me. 

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