My thoughts part 1?

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Jonathan Brandis was one of the most popular child/young actors. First he started off in commercials later working his way up to some of the most major tv-shows and movies.

If jonathan still doesn't sound familiar he was in

The never ending story 2



IT-the original-

Harts War

Are some of the things he was in if you dont know any of those do me a favor and look them up yourself. Why am I writing this? Jonathan Brandis was a very famous actor but he hung himself? That's at least what everyone wants you to think. Truthfully no one knows the whole story but I think I got the closest I can get (for now.) Jonathan was the "Golden-Boy" he had it all, why would he do it? Jonathan was usually a good kid but after some scenes got reduced he started drinking. Now I know that might not seem that important but you'll soon find out that it is. Before I get into all of the dark stuff let me fill you in on his life.

Jonathan had a good life, good friends, good family, but truthfully under all those fake smiles was a depressed kid. No one ever knew why he was depressed but he just was. Depression can and will mess you up. Jonathan was only 27 when he passed away but he was trying to give hints to his friends yet they still had no clue. He kept saying "What if I die at age 27?" like he already planned his death, which im sure he did. His friend said, "You won't, you're to young to die" but i guess he proved him wrong. On November 11th, 2011 Jonathan was found in his apartment building hanging himself, he wasn't dead just severally injured. As soon as people saw they called the police several times and then they came and brought him to the hospital. His blood circulation was cut off and he already had brain damage, the hospital had no hope left so they pulled the plug. If you think about it they didn't have to do that but he would have brain damage. I'm sure his family also had a say in what happened and on November 12th, 2003 Jonathan Brandis was announced dead but fans didn't find out until 10 days after. You cant imagine how sad fans were, I'll tell you what some of them said.

"He was my childhood and now I feel as if my childhood has been shattered"

"I wrote him fan-mail just 3 weeks before he died, I hope he knew how much he meant to us"

Were just some of the many responses said. Do people still care? Yes of course they do, I'm here writing about a guy who died before I was born and there's also fan-pages of him on tiktok and other social media platforms. If you watch the documentary 'kid90' on hulu there's some more information. A lot of his friends didn't know he was depressed, neither did his family. Also if you ever think of doing something like Jonathan please know you are loved by so many and there are suicide hotlines<3. Jonathan's death isn't a popular topic but please do spread awareness!! Back to the story, I have a feeling that the hospital might've had something to do with this since there's not much information about the hospital. (not saying the name bc i dont wanna get sued but i only have like $8 lol) But it's on wikipedia if u wanna know. I'm sure the hospital is good now but it just seems fishy to me that there's not much info about it with the files and everything.

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