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☀️ -Hol...-

🌻 -Hay algo más inexplicable como su mirada-

☀️ -Qué?-

🌻 -Inigualable como la manera en que me cela-

☀️ -Quién te cela?-

🌻 -Y trata de disimular que no está mal... voy a cuidarte por la noches-

☀️ -...-

🌻 -Voy amarte sin reproches... te voy a extrañar en la tempestad-

☀️ -Hey-

🌻 -Y aunque existan mil razones para renunciar-

☀️ -Pollo!-

🌻 -No hay nadie más-

☀️ -Gulf!!-

🌻 -Qué?-

☀️ -Tu voz es terrible, es muy profunda-

🌻 -...-

☀️ -Perdón, trato de decirte que tú voz no encaja con esa canción-

🌻 -Pero me gustan la letra, pensé que te sentirías halagado-

☀️ -Ten por seguro que lo estoy-

🌻 -Si claro-

☀️ -Bueno, cual es tu canción favorita?-

🌻 -Eso a que viene?-

☀️ -Sólo dime-

🌻 -18

☀️ -Me agrada-

🌻 -Me gusta su ritmo-

☀️ -I have loved you since we were eighteen, long before we both thought the same thing-

🌻 -Oh dios mío-

☀️ -Qué? Realmente no entiendo que es lo que está mal con mi voz, es...-

🌻 -Es hermosa, sin duda me enamoré más de tu voz ahora, que de la canción en sí-

☀️ -...-


☀️ -Hel...-

🌻 -There is something more inexplicable like his look-

☀️ -What?-

🌻 -Unrivaled as the way he gets jealous-

☀️ -Who is watching you?-

🌻 -And try to hide that it's not bad... I'm going to take care of you at night-

☀️ -...-

🌻 -I will love you without reproach... I will miss you in the storm-

☀️ -Hey-

🌻 -And although there are a thousand reasons to quit-

☀️ -Chicken!-

🌻 -There's no one else-

☀️ -Gulf!!-

🌻 -What?-

☀️ -Your voice is terrible, it is very deep-

🌻 -...-

☀️ -Sorry, I'm trying to tell you that your voice doesn't fit with that song-

🌻 -But I like the lyrics, I thought you would be flattered-

☀️ -Be sure I am-

🌻 -Yes of course-

☀️ -Well, what is your favorite song?-

🌻 -What's that coming to?-

☀️ -Just tell me-

🌻 -18

☀️ -I like it-

🌻 -I like its rhythm-

☀️ -I have loved you since we were eighteen, long before we both thought the same thing-

🌻 -Oh my god-

☀️ -What? I really don't understand what's wrong with my voice, it's...-

🌻 -It's beautiful, without a doubt I fell in love more with your voice now, than with the song itself-

☀️ -...-


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