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HELLO MUFFINS!!!! WELCOME TO I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE A PROPER INTRO! So, if you didn't read the description prior to opening up my book- then ur a noob 'cuz I literally explained everything there, sooo, go read it if ya haven't yet! 

Requests here: 

Author: Sooo hai Guys! hope y'all are doing great... um... enjoy the book i guess... plz leave comments.. andddddd yeah that's about it!  Here's something for you to read down below so you don't get bored on the first chapter:


*At sister location-*

Micheal: *in the breaker room* Ugh... geez this thing takes forever. 

Ft. Freddy: Oh birthday boy~!

Micheal: OHMY- ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh- what was that?! *looks around to see ft.freddy* GOD! What are you?! huh... I don't think he can hear me... oh well, guess I'll keep working on this- *opens box again*

*15 seconds pass*

Ft.Freddy: Ready or not- here I-I come~!

Micheal: Gah- Stoopid bear. Can't you say anything DIFFERENT?!

Ft.Freddy:  ...    

Sorry for your ears btw- 

Micheal: *w/ bleeding ears* I'd rather deal with Ballora... *goes outside and immediately gets jumpscared, thanks to Ft.Freddy's HUGE racket.

Micheal's soul: OH COME ON!

The End!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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