Chapter 2

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The boys waited for everyone to put their names and and one by one pulled names. "Marie." "Kaitlyn." "Catherine." "Nadine." "Megan." "Nicole." "Audrey." "Allie." "Liz." I heard my name and saw Ashton pulled it. He's the only one I know the name of and he looked kind of nervous. They went through names that were typical fangirl names and I lost interest after I got picked. "Now we are gonna ask that you get with the one who picked your name and find out when you're leaving and where you're going. I walked over to Ashton with 4 overly excited girls and he smiled at me. "Tomorrow, at 7 we are going to a concert for a friend of mine. Jack Barakat from All Time Low." And my eyes got wide. "Who's that?" I heard one of the idiots next to me ask and I mentally groaned. "Okay, we want to talk to all of you individually so we have a gazebo set up over there in the garden. Line up and we will get started." The one that reminded me of a puppy with his eyes said. I shuffled to the end of the line and one by one girls came back with a huge smile on their face. I was the last of the 45 girls so when I got to them they looked tired. "So what do you want to talk about?" "Well, since you're keeping me around I should probably know your names." "Wait, what?" "Your names?" "You don't know?" "No. I wasn't a fan before I came so I don't know." I said and they all looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm Luke." One with a lip ring and blue eyes said. "Niall." "Harry." "Zayn." "Michael." "Liam." "Calum." "Louis." "Ashton." "Okay... Now that I know that, who is in which band?" "5sos" "one direction." They said one after the other, raising their hands with it. "Okay. I don't really know what to say at this point." I said and Louis made some stupid joke saying they were gonna keep me to piss me off and it actually made me laugh. We sat around laughing and making jokes, even though Ashton was being quiet and I grew to like them slightly. I looked at the time and realized I'd been out here for almost half an hour. "I probably need to go inside before they demand my head on a stick." "You're too cute to have your head on a stick." Luke commented, still flirting with me. I smiled and stood up. "None the less, I don't feel like having a full out lynch mob in there. Bye, guys." I said and waved to them before going inside the house, getting glares from the other girls. And the lynch mob has formed. "I don't see what could be taking her so long unless she's like a slut or something." I heard one girl say before I rounded the corner and the two she was talking to started coughing "slut" while I walked past. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room to lay on my bed. I heard girls walking past to go to their rooms and then there was a knock on my door. I opened it and saw the word "slut" in red taped to my door. I ripped it off, balled it up and threw it off the balcony type thing in front of me and I guess it hit someone. I heard someone mumble a "what the hell?" And walked down the stairs. I saw Ashton and kind of froze a little. "Did you just throw that?" He asked and I nodded before picking it up off the ground. "What is it anyways?" "It's nothing." I said as he took it from me. He straightened it out and glanced at me before looking at it. "Liz, where was this?" "My door." "You know this isn't true, right?" "Ashton, you don't know me." "OH MY GOSH! Ashton, hi!" A really annoying voice came from behind me and I saw two girls with low cut shirts and their asses hanging out f their shorts run past me. He seemed to have forgotten about me standing there so I just went back up to my room. I heard a knock on my door and opened it to see Luke standing in my door way. "Hey, Liz. Let me in before I get mobbed." He said and I moved so he could step inside. I closed the door and he looked around. "Probably a good thing you got the single room. It doesn't seem like you'll get along with these idiot- I mean fans- very well." I laughed and nodded. "All they talk about are boys and how they're going to win and that they're going to sleep with at least one of you and I'm just sitting there like stop talking please. I'm eating." He laughed at me and sat on my chair so I sat on my bed. "I think you're one of my favorite people here." "Awe. And I'm not even a fan." "No, but you're fun to talk to, witty, beautiful and you give us a hard time." This whole flirting thing is weird. "What was that face for?" "What face?" "You like scrunched up your nose and looked down at your feet like you were thinking about something." "Oh.. I just have a habit of doing that. I don't really know." I said and shrugged. We sat and talked for a while and he continued to flirt with me for the majority of it asking various questions to know a little more about me. "I wish I would've drawn your name. Maybe I wouldn't be so bored since I'm just taking them to some park for a bit." "I'm actually kind of excited for the date thing. Not because I want to spend time with Ashton or fan girls but because of the concert." I clarified and he nodded. There was a knock on the door so I stood up to open it and saw Ashton. He pushed past me and walked in to see Luke, wide-eyed with his mouth slightly open. "What is he doing in here?" He asked me furiously. "We were talking." "For two hours?" "What exactly are you accusing me of?" I asked defensively. "Maybe you guys had sex or something." "Seriously?! You don't even know me but you're in here saying I slept with your friend!" I pretty much yelled and he stepped towards Luke. "What are you even doing in here?" He asked him and Luke looked confused. "Seriously, mate, we've been talking. I guess we lost track of time." "Why did you come to her room in the first place?" "What does it matter?" I interjected but he ignored me. "To talk to a girl that wouldn't freak out over a conversation." "But you know that- never mind." He said and by this point there was a crowd around my door of the other girls and they were all whispering. "Slut." One said and I shook my head. "Would you guys mind, oh yah know, fucking off. This seriously isn't your business." I said angrily towards the group, getting glares before they cleared out and Ashton stormed out followed by Luke.


Sorry that it's slow in some places and may not be very interesting but things are starting to heat up so hopefully I can make it more fun to read or more exciting. Let me know what you think, not that anyone's reading this.

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