dna announcemnt

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hey besties !!!

first off make sure you read chapter five before this !!!

okay so i got to think of where i could take this story and i've decided to change the name from dna to case closed.

that way i could add more cases. with their own storylines. they'll all be connected but every part will be a new case for my wdw version of the bau.

i'll probably change the name sometime in the next week or before i start posting the second part.

i hope you guys like this idea and keep reading !!! i have so many ideas for this !!!

and if you have any suggestions chime off in the comments.

also for an example for how everything is laid out. dna is considered part one. and i'll label the chapters something like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on or i could do 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 and so on.

each case will have around three to five chapters depending on what they are.

if any of this doesn't make sense i'll be happy to try and clarify for anyone.

with that being said i hope you like it and i love you all very much.


- cass

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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