Chapter 9

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Tfatws ep.4 spoiler warning
FYI This chapter will have a slightly different timeline than the series.
Minor steamy moment ahead.

Zemos hiding place turnt out to be quite large. It had enough bedrooms for all of us and two seperate bathrooms. The Baron told me to use one of the eastern rooms for a bit more privacy. I was about to take my stuff there when he stopped me. "So you have super powers as well, Miss Jameson?" He asked. He was curious if I had taken a variation of the super soldier serum. I shook my head. "No. No super powers." I avoided his eyes. "Then how come Sam threatened the Doctor with your torturing skills? You don't seem too well versed in actually harming people." I moved past him towards the empty bedroom. I stopped in front of the door and turned my head back to him. "Don't assume what talents are. I worked for the CIA and was in the army. So, who said anything about super powers?" With that I opened the door and threw my bag on the bed. We wouldn't find anything this late in the day. I laid down and turned on my phone. I needed to talk to my personal life coach and counselor, Aiden.
"Lainy! Hey it's so great to hear from you. How's your vacation in Louisiana?" He sounded so excited over the phone. "Actually, I had to cut that short. I'm on an unofficial mission with Sam." He paused. I heard him take a deep breath. "You know that's not what Mom meant, when she said get friends right? Where you at?" I chuckled at his sass. "Eastern Europe. But that's actually not why I called. I need some advice." I scooted around the bed nervously. "Don't get shot, or stabbed." God, I wish I could punch him. "No, smartass. Different advice. I kinda met a guy." I would almost hear Aidens jaw dropping onto the floor. "ELAINE JULIANNE JAMESON! You better give me all the details. Who even is this mystery man that got my sister out of her sulking state?" He screeched into the phone. I laughed a little. "Remember the guy from the chinese restaurant Mom told you about?" I carefully tested the water. "The super hot one with the circulation issues? The one you thought, and I quote, felt weird?" "He's kinda on mission with us. He's..." I heard Aiden gasp. "Holy shit! How is that even possible?" He interrupted me. "I'd tell you if you'd let me finish." He giggled. "Sure. Go ahead." I took a deep breath. "He is THE Bucky Barnes. You know, from the Captain America exhibition Dad used to take you to?" For the first time in my life my brother was speechless. I decided to just continue. "Anyway, we kinda had a series of moments and I have no idea what's happening." Finally, Aiden found his capability to speak. "Lainy, please tell me you had sex with a hot super soldier." He begged through the phone. "NO! Of course not. There was a small kiss but that's all." I swore I could hear his eyes roll. "Ugh, you're such a prude. Anyway, do you have feelings for him?" I swallowed and thought for a moment. "I don't know. Everything is so different than with John." I was about to explain more but my brother interrupted me again. "Of course it's different. You and John were Highschool Sweethearts. And obviously you don't know anything about dating anymore since you've been out of the game for such LONG time. Well, if I think about it. He's been out longer probably and still gets by. So that's no excuse." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Not helping." "Well, you said you had moments. What did those feel like?"
Aiden was now in full therapist mode. I explained how the night in Baltimore went. How Bucky let me into his head after shutting me out prior. How I showed him the good feelings and how he fell asleep while holding my hand. I told him about the party in Madripoor, without actually mentioning Madripoor or Sharon. I talked about how I saw his memories about me. Aiden listened intently. "And on our flight to Europe, we talked and he kissed me." I told him, leaving out the specific details concerning Zemo or our destination. "How do YOU feel around him?" He finally asked me. I hesitated and organized my thoughts a little. "He makes me feel safe, protected. I feel accepted and I can relate to him on some level. Obviously he's insanely attractive. I'm not blind." I paused trying to find the right words. "You know how it feels when the snow finally melts and the first warm spring days come? That's how I felt when he kissed me." My heart raced again thinking about the kiss. "Lainy, you have a fat crush on this man. Just go with it. Even if it doesn't work out, it's good for you. But from how it sounds, he might feel something, too." My breath got stuck in my lungs. What did Aiden just say? "Are you sure?" He laughed at my question. "You are a literal emotion detector. That part shouldn't be hard to figure out." "I don't even know how that feels anymore." I mumbled. "Don't worry, Sissy. You got this. Listen, I gotta go. But don't let me wait for updates!" I giggled quietly. "Bye, Aiden." I checked the watch on my phone. My brother and I were talking for 30 minutes. Maybe he was right. I had a crush on Bucky Barnes. I got disrupted from my reering mind when I heard a knock on the door. It was Sam.

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