The Universe With You

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Lin Jingheng was almost battling with the newly invented coffee machine. He tried his best to follow the useless AI Zhanlu's advice but those advices were garbage.

Lu Bixing chuckled watching the other struggling to make a cup of coffee for the umpteenth time and went to help. He swiftly turned on the technology and made a fresh coffee.

Lin Jingheng sighed while sipping onto the coffee.

Without any warning Lu Bixing leaned toward him and whispered, his lips brushing against the other's skin, "Babe, it is said that Mars is the planet of love and sex. Looks like it isn't exactly false. The more we are getting near the more I'm unable to control myself. You're seducing me with your presence."

This vulgar engineer!

Jingheng pushed the other onto the sit before smashing their lips and pulled away immediately.

"Don't fool around. Sit tight. We are almost near the station."

Bixing pouted and said batting his eyelashes, "Babe, I'm really lacking the essential Vitamin Lin right now."

Jingheng swiftly put a sugar cube into his coffee and said, "Maybe you are just suffering from low blood sugar and needs sugar."


Indeed Mars was really a romantic planet. People here mostly practices everything related to love. From the universe's best 'love potion' to the universe's best porn book were all supplied from this planet.

The elite commander Lin Jingheng felt his face getting hot seeing how Lu Bixing was practically eyeing everyone's fashion style, not because he liked the people but definitely because he wanted to try those on himself and Jingheng.

"Babe let's try those on!" Bixing pointed toward a very vulgar pair of clothes for male couples.

Jingheng's ears turned crimson red and he almost ran away as people around them eyed them curiously.

Lu Bixing ran after him, "Babe! Wait for me! I can't run like I used to".

Jingheng immediately stopped in his footsteps and turned back toward Bixing, his face worried.

It must be hard for Lu Bixing to get used to his 'old normal body' since the chip was taken out.

The place where they will be staying was nearby and they wanted to sight see, that's why they didn't take any mech, but it was clearly not the best idea right now.

Lin Jingheng without any warning picked up the other on his back and walked toward their destination.

Bixing's face was so lit up that probably even the sun couldn't compare with the brightness he was radiating.

Like a puppy, he rubbed his face affectionately on the other's neck.

Although Lu Bixing was a bit shorter than Jingheng and didn't have much physic training like him, he was a grown man after all and soon Jingheng felt himself sweating in the cold planet.

Bixing saw his husband sweating and like any other normal day he wiped those sweat off with the cuff of his shirt.

Then as if giving the other reward, he licked off the remaining sweat at the other's temple and placed a soft kiss.

Jingheng tried his best to keep the straight posture of his face but before he could say something they heard a bunch of school girls squealing.

"Ah! So cute! My heart!"

"If my lover doesn't treat me like this, I will jump down from the highest building I'm saying."

"Oh god! Why both of them are so handsome!"

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