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"Yaknow, I think you'll make it big Y/N." the comfortable silence had been disrupted by Dream's voice. "Maybe..." I thought for a second "it'd be fun to stream and have people enjoy it haha" I let out a chuckle. I had become friends with Dream for a little over 2 years, usually just chatting on discord. We usually just work on our youtube channels and plan out our video schedules. Dream soon became an older brother figure to me, teasing and helping me through issues id never experience before

I was editing the thumbnail for the new video id put out later this week, that was before dream interrupted "Tommy asked if I knew any YouTubers who'd be willing to record a video with him" dream said, a sing-songy tone to his voice. "Okay...and?" I asked, adding an extra layer in adobe, "well, I'm gonna be busy that day, why don't you do it?" he asked, clearly wanting me to make more friends in the mcyt community. I thought for a second, "fine, but only because I'm not busy," I said, rolling my eyes knowing that dream couldn't see it. "Hell yeah, I'll give Tommy your discord...shit." my ears perked up at the sudden change in Clay's mood. I hummed, wanting to see what was wrong. "I told sapnap I'd stream with him in like 10 minutes, I gotta go, but you better get some sleep" he explained, his tone becoming sterner. "I will lemme just save and I'll go to sleep, k?"

"Alright, good night,"


Dream had ended the discord call, and I had closed out of discord, saving any unfinished work. I shut off my pc, stretching a bit before getting Heath. Heath's small body lay sprawled out on the ceramic tiles of the kitchen.

I picked him up, cradling as he gave me a small meow. Our routine was the same every day, grab heath, head to my room, and sleep. I locked my door, setting heath down, who did a big stretch and jumped onto my bed claiming his spot. I walked over to my bathroom, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. I turned off the lights, leaving the bathroom door open for Heath. I was already in sleep clothes so I didn't bother getting changed. I hopped into bed turning on the small cat night light that sat on my bedside table. I check my phone again, I had been added into a group chat, with Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo. 


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