Chapter 1

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Alicia's POV
          I looked at the digital clock in my room and it read 7:26am. I realized if I don't prepare faster for school I was gonna be late. Today was the first day of my last term as a senior at North High Connecticut. In less than five months, hopefully I would be in college.
"Alicia, come down for breakfast or you are gonna be late on your first day back in school" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"Okay boss, I will be down in a few minutes" I jokingly replied her.

I quickly started arranging the stuffs I would need today in school in my bag. It wasn't even up to 5 minutes when I heard my kid brother's voice.

"Lili, mommy said you bwetter  get dfone  fast or you will walk to sool"
"Alright alright. Am coming" I said and left my room. I almost bumped into King Jed by my door.
"Good morning Sissy" my six year old brother greeted me. Awwwwwww, he is so cute.

I ran my hand through his hair playfully earning a frown from him for messing his cute hair (according to him 😏😏😏 )and then replied him "morning Jeddy boy"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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