Track #3: Hello Bitches - CL

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His uniform felt uncomfortable, and Renjun's fingers hooked around the tie settled around his neck, adjusting it so it as a bit looser and not, quite literally, choking him to death.

His earbuds were nestled fittingly into his ears, music blasting into his eardrums in order to keep him awake while the rattle of the train helped to keep him awake as well. His fingers were hooked over a handle, his other hand clenching and unfurling at his side. His skateboard was still leaning against the wall by his front door, the new school's rules prohibiting the use of skateboards as a mode of transportation.

He was a bit pissed about the fact, seeing as how bikes were allowed. But he still knew, as was general public knowledge, that kids with skateboards were seen as hooligans; outcasts. This school supposedly had a higher reputation than his last school, and he definitely wasn't looking forward to what he supposed was probably going to be a highly competitive atmosphere.

The train jostled again, the brakes squealing as they urged the train to a desperate stop, the doors sliding open and spitting out crowds of people while inhaling more of them. Several shoulders rammed into Renjun and he grimaced, looking around and trying to get a grasp of his surrounds.

It was his first time taking this route to the school, farther away than the local one, and he decided to follow a couple of other students walking down a flight of stairs. Cherry Blossoms decorated the steps and a chatter of people filled his ears, several groups of students frolicking and skipping to meet each other before heading off down the sidewalk.

From where he stood at the base of the steps, he could see a large building, immediately pegging that to be the school building, especially because dozens of students filled the streets now, all heading in that direction. He let out a 'tsk'.

His bandaged fingers ran habitually through his fluffy hair, glasses slipping down his nose and he winced a bit, touching the side of his jaw. He had fallen going out on an early skate and, mind preoccupied with the upcoming school day, had lost his footing and fallen face first onto the concrete.

There had been a little mouth bleeding but he hadn't broken his jaw or anything else for that matter so that was a win in his books. This, however, led to the rebandaging of his hands and a couple on his knees and side as well as his forehead and chin. So, in conclusion, he was going to school looking like he just got into a fist fight. Great first impression material.

It was clear soon enough that he was right in his assumptions, students looking at him and obvious pointing in his direction alerting him to the fact that he did, in fact, look like shit. But Renjun couldn't do anything about it, especially since he didn't have his skateboard by his side to explain said injuries.

The school was a total of three buildings, Renjun soon realized, with a large green in the center of the buildings which formed a semi circle. The green was filled with students, a group of athletes taking up a large chunk of the space to play with a Frisbee. The green had a series of benches placed under the shade of large green trees, some cherry blossoms still littering the ground from where they had flown in from off the high school campus.

Renjun pulled his phone from his uniform jacket's pocket, opening it to the notes app where he had written where he needed to go to get his schedule. Building 1, Office. Renjun sighed, turning towards the first building on his left, hoping that it was Building 1. His problem was that there were three floors.

Walking into the lobby, Renjun let out a sigh of relief as he spotted a lady sitting at a desk outside of a glass office space. He wandered over, continuing to ignore the blatant stares at his face and bandaged hands.

"Excuse me ma'am," Renjun said as he walked to stand in front of the desk, the lady looking up through her glasses and taking a double take at his appearance. "My name is Huang Renjun, I'm the new kid starting today."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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