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Katrina POV:
We arrive at the park we are doing yoga at and I see multiple people there with their kids. Thats when I saw someone familiar.


The lady turned around and looked surprised


She looked so happy to see me, almost as happy as I was to see her again.

Rylee:Hey mom,it's that model lady that you met at the shopping center.

said her child,wait they thought I was a model?

Jan:I know rylee I can see.

She said a little annoyed with her child, rylee,what a cute name for a child. Thats when misha and Sergai butted in

Misha:hello ms.model I'm Misha and this is Sergai.

Sergai:Hello ms.model!

She giggled at the boys for calling her ms.model,and my face felt like the surface of the sun.

Janet's POV:
I had just arrived at the park and saw alot of people with their kids I could never do this sober,so I had 1 to 2 schnapps. So we took the bus because I'm responsible. When someone called my name they sounded familiar


I turned around to see katrina and her boys she looked so happy to see me almost as happy as I was. When rylee butted in

Rylee:Hey mom,it's that model lady that you met at the shopping center.

Omg my face heated up from embarrasment because I told rylee that I thought she was a model.

Misha:hello ms.model I'm Misha and this is Sergai.

Said one of her boys

Sergai:Hello ms.model!

said the other I giggled because I wasn't the only one who thought the other was a model. Katrinas face look like she was embarassed.

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