Part 1

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It all happened so quickly....

One moment the guards arrested you and Lee at Haley's laboratory, and the next, you were in chains in a village cell. You both weren't hurt... for now, but who knew what the Magisterium would do to traitors. You both were on opposite sides of the room, Lee sitting on the ground, with Hester cowering beside him. He stared down at the floor... silent, just like he had been ever since you both were thrown in here. You were chained to the wall with your arms above you, and even though you weren't sitting, you felt extremely restless.

A soldier had slapped Lee so hard on his face that a long bruise was starting to form there. You yourself were also a little bruised up, but not too badly. The cuffs chaining your arms to the wall were starting to hurt your wrists though.

Ebony was clinging to your boots, quivering with fear. You gently nudge him, causing him to look up at you. You muster a gentle smile to let him know that it's going to be alright. You look up at Lee, wondering what he might be thinking, but right when you were going to open your mouth to ask him that, you both jumped to the sound of the metal door slamming open and four officers stomping into the room. Lee quickly looks up a wild expression like pure fear flicking in his features. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone and a stone hard look filling his face. His eyes flickered to you and you returned his gaze with worried eyes. One of the officers with the most badges on him approaches Lee. You suddenly remember that Lee's fear mechanism was to become as confident in himself as he could. So once the officer walked up to him, he put on a cocky grin and looked up through his eyebrows. The officer looks down with disgust and an amused smirk.

"Well if it isn't the aeronaut that causes bedlam everywhere he goes" He says, looking down at Lee with the eyes of one glaring at an insignificant fly. This angers you to no end, but Lee doesn't seem to mind. He seems to enjoy being recognized, despite the occasion.

"Sir, me and my friend here have done nothing wrong. I don't know where you think we deviated, but I think the Magisterium is one of the finest organizations around."

When he said this it almost sounded like he snorted and he was going to break into laughter, but he took one glance at your body against the wall, and his face grew stone-hard serious.

"And I will make any sort of pledge to prove it" he continued "Whatever you want, name it... So can we go now?"

This did not waver the officer standing in front of Lee. He merely knelt down to get level with him and chuckled, "You do realize you shot a man dead this morning?"

Lee looked at his boots, then Hester next to him, then at you.

There's a pause, then Lee speaks so quietly it's almost a whisper,

"I'm the one who killed him, so do whatever you want with me. Just let her go."

You almost felt your heart break at the affection and pleading seeping into his words. his voice.

You shrink as you feel the officers' gaze fall on you. They seemed to not even have noticed you before.

As the seeming "leader" gets closer to you, you see Lee's body tense. His eyes bore holes in the soldier's back as he looks you up and down with the eyes of a disrespectful, needy man. He reaches for your face to tilt your chin up to get a better look at you. At this point you can't see Lee's reactions, but you can feel the heat of his gaze. You set your jaw and try to remain calm and cool.

"Hm....." He looks you up and down again, but this time hungrily. "Mr. Scoresby, your 'friend' is very pretty." He ghosts his hands around your curves, never touching you, but making you exceedingly uncomfortable. Ebony growls next to you.

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