Part 2

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You awoke with a jolt to find yourself in a smaller cell. 

There were bloodstains all over the walls and floor, and it stunk like the depths of hell. Your head HURT like hell. Where was Lee? Where were YOU? You started breathing heavily, your heart hammering in your chest, and heard something shiver next to you. Ebony was laying on the floor to your right, curled into his long fluffy white tail, breathing slowly. You started to relax as well, and tried to match your breathing with his. You suddenly remembered a conversation two soldiers were having outside your cell with the door open, right before you gained full consciousness. One had a strange high pitched nasal-y voice, and kept stuttering horribly. Let's call him Stuttering George. The other sounded almost burly, and you recognized it as the one that had dragged you by the hair. Mr. Let-Me-Pull-Your-Hair Billy. You giggled to yourself, and widened your eyes as you realized how horrible your sense of humor was.

Mr. Let-Me-Pull-Your-Hair Billy: Coulter asked me to bring her here while she questioned the aeronaut, look after 'er for me.

Stuttering George: y-y-yes sir

Here there was a short pause

Mr. Let-Me-Pull-Your-Hair Billy: Say, are you hungry?

Stuttering George: Very much so, sir... But you just asked me to-

Mr. Let-Me-Pull-Your-Hair Billy: I don't think it would matter if you left the post for five minutes.

Stuttering George: 'c-c-c-course n-not, sir

Mr. Let-Me-Pull-Your-Hair Billy: Just put the key on the handle if Coulter wants to stop by her cell, the girl is chained anyway

Stuttering George: I heard Samuel b-brought b-b-b-b-bacon omelettes......

You had listened until the sound of footsteps echoed around the hall and their voices became mere whispers. The keys... if you got to the keys you would be able to escape... and find Lee.

The men had mentioned that Coulter woman was questioning him. She hadn't tortured him had she? She better have not even touched a hair on that man's head. How long had it been... how long had you been unconscious?

Forget that right now... the one thing you have to worry about is getting to those keys.

You wouldn't be able to get to the door, the chains holding you were too short. Then how....

You felt Ebony nuzzle into your arm. EBONY

"Hey... E?"

"Yeah, Y/N?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Are you thinking about escaping by using the keys?"


"Oh god" he shrunk away, eyeing the door.

Everyone knew that your daemon was a part of you. It was your soul. And without your soul close to you at all times, you become feelingless, emotionless, which is not something pretty at all. But maybe... for just a second... if Ebony managed to get to the door, grab the keys and skitter back quickly... maybe it wouldn't hurt as much. Maybe.

You tell the plan to Ebony, and with every word he grows more and more unsure. Seeing him that way gives you second thoughts, but it wouldn't hurt to try this strategy. Or would it? Shaking off the thought, you set your jaw. You couldn't just sit here and wait when Lee could be gravely hurting.

You take a deep breath and softly push Ebony forward. He looks back at you for assurance. You nod once telling him to go. He turns back towards the door, and slowly makes his way step by step to the other side of the cell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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