1.Night Back

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Christell's pov
I hate it here.

Finally back in school yay!

I was in the middle of putting my stuff back into my trunk when Rose and Arthur burst through the door. With cups and a bottle of fire whiskey in hand.

Arthur sat down on erothas bed and said "This wasn't my idea, this was all Rose."

"I wouldn't suspect anything else" I said grabbing a cup from Rose's hand. Rose and I poured ourselves a drink.

"You want some?" I asked Arthur. "No thanks." He responded. "Suit yourself." I said.

"Since Arthur isn't interested in drinking today, want to hear something he is interested in?" Rose said.

"You know I do." I said sitting on my bed.

"Arthur over here, is still in love with that Hufflepuff girl." Rose said as she sat on the ottoman in front of my bed.

"I am not." Arthur said sternly.

"Sure loverboy." I said before taking another sip of my drink.

"Well let's move on to something we could all agree on." Arthur said. 

"Did any of you two see that Hanna from ravenclaw on the train?" Rose said interrupted Arthur.

"I saw her when I was getting off." I replied. "She seamed pretty pissed."

"I think James broke up with her." Rose said.

"I highly doubt that." Arthur said. "If they did they'll most likely be back by dinner." I added.

"Or James will have a new girl by then." Rose laughed.  "Most likely" I laughed.

"How was you guy's summer?" Rose asked us.

"Pretty boring, and yours?" I asked.

"Boring." Arthur said.

"I would say boring too, but since I have Hugo for a brother I could hardly breathe." Rose said annoyed.

"Well I have two siblings and I'm fine." Arthur said.

"Weren't you complaining about your brother a minute ago." I said sarcastically.

"Let's change the subject before Christell attacks me." Arthur said.

"Well I did do something over summer." Rose mentioned.

"What, what did you do?" I asked curiously.

"I came out to my parents." She began.

"Really,what did they say?" I asked.

"Both my parents were pretty supportive when I told them, my dad for one was relieved that he wouldn't have to worry about any boys." She laughed.

"That's great." I said.

"Ya, it is great." Arthur said.

"Well how about you Chris how's your love life, since you're the only one out of the three of us in a relationship." Rose said taking a sip of her drink.

"I would rather not talk about it." I said.

"Why not?" Arthur said.

"I just don't want to." I snapped.
I walked out of the grand hall when I heard familiar steps behind me.

I turned around and it was Rose.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey." She replied.

"So I heard tha-." I began before being interrupted.

By a shoulder hitting mine as they walked past. I turned to see who it was. James and his friends.

"Hey watch were you're going, you lunatic!" I said to him.

"Whatever malfoy!" He scoffed.

"Fucking prick." I said under my breath turning back to Rose.

"Try being related to him." She added.

We continued walking until we reached ravenclaw tower. 

Rose did whatever riddle thing she had to do to get inside.

We walked to her dorm.

She walked over to her dresser and took a pack of cigarettes. She took one and put it in her mouth.

"Want one?" She said.

"Of course I do." I replied taking one out. She grabbed a lighter from her organized nightstand. She lit hers then passed it to me.

I lit mine. I inhaled and exhaled the smoke.

I sat on her bed next to were she was now sitting.

"So what were you going to say." She asked.

I took the cigarette out of my mouth. "Oh ya, apparently the reason Hanna was pissed earlier in the train was because they broke up. We knew that of course, but get this, he's the one that broke up with her."

"What really?" She said putting her cigarette in her mouth.

"I heard from Melina." I added.

"Strange." She said. "Well now do you want to tell me why you don't want to talk about Xavier?"

"You really want to know?" I asked.

Her eyes widened. She was now aware that something was up.

"Like hell I do." She said interested.

Next chapter will be coming soon sorry for the drag. ily 🙏😫

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