Chapter 11

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"Okay, what's wrong?" A raven haired to-be college student asked, sitting on one of the chairs, looking at the white haired male who was sitting on the side of his bed.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The white haired male asked. "Nothing's wrong-"

"Your tone changed. Therefore, something is, and Audrey told me she mentioned something about your mask. Sorry about that by the way. Those kids are a handful." The blue eyed girl mumbled the last part to herself.

Huh? That damn brat! And- wait- I thought she couldn't tell lies when she was sick? The male thought shocked.

It was the end of June, Mae finally got over her cold, and gathered the strength to finally talk to Lloyd about this. She knew something was up, and wanted to know what it was.

The girl sighed, "You know, I'm not one to pry, but I just wanted to be a good friend and help out with whatever was wrong. I noticed you were panicking a bit, so I thought maybe it had to do with something my sister said?"

Huh? Did Mae not know exactly what that brat said? If not, that's good, but it's not even about that. Lloyd was thinking to himself about what she was saying. "No. It's not anything like that, it's rather..." he tried to phrase it the best way he could, "some stuff I want to keep... personal. Don't think I haven't appreciated everything you've done for me. It's just-" the white haired male got cut off.

"Huh? 'I've done for you'...? I feel like it should be the other way around." Mae said with a small laugh. "You've done a lot more for me, than I have done for you...!"

"No, I don't think so... you've done more than you know." The green eyed male said.

"That's vaguely threatening, and you're a criminal which makes it even more uncomfortable." Mae replied with a creeped out expression.

"Not like that." I don't even want to explain what I mean now, which makes me seem more like a creep. Lloyd thought, scratching the back of his neck.

"Pfft..." The dark haired girl had let out a small laugh.

"OH do NOT tell me you were kidding!" The whisper white haired male yelled, irritated, standing up.

"-Okay...! Wait before you bonk me again!-" Mae pulled a couple of fliers out of her purse and placed them on the table, and the male walked over to her.

"'End of School Year, and End of June Celebration!...' What is this?" He read aloud before looking back at her.

The girl's expression was flushed red and nervous, she was looking anywhere that wasn't at him. "Uhh... well... i-isn't this the type of thing where you walk around, play games, and win prizes?" She asked, tapping her pointer fingers together.

"Yeah? Why?" The white haired male raised an eyebrow.

"Just curious..." The blue eyed girl was still glancing away.

"Let me guess, you were either 'too busy,' or the amount of people scared you, so you wanted to stay home and read." Lloyd assumed. "So now that I'm here you want me to be a 'shield.'" He folded his arms.

"Please...?" Mae asked, then glanced up at him with an innocent expression.

"If you think a simple 'please' is gonna work on me-" The male was cut off.

"Please?" Mae asked again, the same expression.


"How and why did I agree to do this?" Lloyd ran a hand through his hair as he looked at himself up and down in his bathroom mirror.

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