chapter 5

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I woke up to my mom shaking me.

"Wake up Kenz we need to meet the people at the house in a hour." My mom said.

"Ok." I said pulling he covers off of me and rolling my suitcase into the bathroom behind me. I cut the shower on and slid my clothes off. I hopped in the shower and washed my body and hair. When I got out I brushed my teeth and threw my hair into a high ponytail until I went back to dry it.

I unzipped my suitcase and grabbed a pair of ripped high waisted jeans, a black tank top and a red flannel. I slipped on my clothes with undergarments and walked back to my bed.

"So are you excited to go look at houses?" Mason asked as I was sliding my high top converse on.

"Sure whatever." I sighed.

I plugged my blow dryer in the wall and blow dried my hair. My hair is naturally wavy so I just threw it into a braid. I normally don't put on much makeup beside mascara. I walked to the big mirror by the tv and put some mascara on with some Chapstick.

"Hey uhM mom when can I get a new phone since I kinda broke my other one?" I asked.

"Maybe we will stop by later." she smiled

I may not like her as much as my dad but she spoils me kinda.

"Okay let's go." she smiled opening the door to the hall.

I grabbed my black across the shoulder purse and walked out behind mason.

"So I was maybe thinking we can get the breakfast from downstairs?" My mom smiled.

"Sure." Mason and I said.

We got on the elevator to the first floor and exited to elevator.

My mom and mason went to go get food so I just sat down at the table and waited until they were done.

"You can go get your food now moms taking forever." Mason said sitting down in front of me.

I slid out of the booth and grabbed a plate. They have basically everything.

I grabbed some eggs, bacon and some sausage. On the way back to the table I grabbed a cup of apple juice.

When I got back to the table mom was sitting there. I took a seat by mason and began to eat my breakfast.

We finished breakfast and went to the car. We drove down to the first house and got out of the car.

We walked around the house and it looked pretty big. But there are a lot of little kids on this neighborhood so that may get annoying.

We left that house and then we drove by verizon.

"Can I get the 6 mom?" I asked as we walked in.

"Sure!" she smiled.

"Hello welcome to verizon. What can I help you with?" a verizon worker named Brad asked.

"I need to get am Upgrade for a phone." My mom said.

"Ok and what phone is it that were upgrading from?" Brad asked walking over to a computer with us following.

My mom looked at me.

"It was a black 5s." I said.

"Okay and are we going to upgrade to the black 6?" He asked.

"No gold please." I said flashing a slight smile.

"Okay." he said walking in the back to find a new phone.

I walked around to look for a case and I saw a blue case with gold on the bottom. I grabbed it and walked back over to where brad was coming out.

He had the phone in his had and he handed it to me showing me how to set it up. My mom took the case from me and she handed it to Brad paying for it and the case.

"I backed up all of your stuff from iCloud." Brad smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled.

We walked out to the car and drove to a couple more houses while I played on my new phone.

4 hours later

"Okay this is the last house." my mom said as it started to get darker outside.

We pulled into the driveway where there was a lady standing. We all walked to the door where she was and wow this house looked nice on the outside. We walked in and looked around.

Woah this is nice. I walked up the stairs and the rooms were huge.

"Mom, I like this one." I smiled.

"Me too." Mason said.

I went to the backyard and looked around while everyone else went back to the front.

I went back through the house and met back up with everyone in the front . When I got up there she wasn't only talking to a real estate agent but she was talking to someone else too amd standing with a boy beside my brother.

"Oh and this is my daughter Mackenzie!" My mom smiled.

"Hello." I smiled a little.

Wait if im not mistaken that's the boy from the airport I bumped into.

afraid// jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now