The Argument & New Plans

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Jaskier's P.o.v.
"Ok that's enough for today" Ethan says placing down the mic. I unstrapped my guitar from my shoulder and streched. Walking over to the cooler in the room, I took off a cup and got myself some water as my throat felt parched. While drinking the water the group gathered around the small table that held food, they each took some pizza from the box and sat down. It was then that our band leader spoke, " You guys seem to be getting lazy these days". Stacy our pianist let out a groan, "Dude seriously? We've been practicing all month like you told us to"! She protested.  Ethan glared at her "Well it sure as  hell didn't sound like it today! Your piano was off  key today. Bill kept on playing way ahead of us, Triss sounded like dying siren and Jaskier here had an out of tune guitar"! He snapped. At the accusation, I turned to Ethan with a look of disbelief. "Out of tuned? Bloody hell Ethan I just tuned it last night"! I snapped. "Well it sounded like shit Jaskier" he says rolling his eyes. I huffed and answered " So nice of you to point out all our flaws Ethan, without even pointing out yours". Triss snorted at this and Bill answered " Didn't want to comment on Your highness's prefect singing but I suppose the cat's out of the bag now". At this Stacy chuckled while shaking her head, "He is leader after all, leaders never have flaws". At the sarcastic remark, Ethan stood up in fury. "Practice is over, you can all fuck off now". I rolled my eyes, " Wasn't planning to stay, I didn't want the band to bear  hearing my ' out of tune' playing".  I said while walking towards the door. I hear sighs before stacy, bill and Triss begin to follow me. We all leave Ethan's house and walk towards Bill's car, he opens it and we get inside. As he's driving off, Stacy lights a cigarette and puffs it. "Honestly that guy is full of shit, I'm starting to wonder why I'm still in this band" She says. Triss streches and answers, " Because we all have talent and it's a good time passer". "Is it really Triss? I feel unappreciatied"  I say leaning my head against the car's window. "Maybe it's a sign, we probably should start reconsidering" Bill says. The group hums as a sign in agreement. "Never mind that asshole, let's get something to eat. I'm hungry and that pizza wasn't cutting it". Stacy says. "Well I for one agree with that, I could go for some of the food at Earl's diner" Triss says. " You just read my mind" Bill says before taking a turn.

At the diner....
We all sat down in the booth we usually sat in and picked up the menu. Triss takes out her phone and begins to stroll through til tok while Stacy orders for us. I strum my fingers against the table. It was then that Triss speaks up, "You guys on tiktok"?. I peer over her shoulder " Yea what about it"? Bill says. "There's this trend going around, Where people download an app call Randonaut.
It's an app where you set or type an intention. Then it sends you to a location based off your intention" She says. "Ok. That sounds fine. Why are you telling us this"? I ask as the waitress walks up to us and gives our food. "I was thinking we should do the trend! It seems like a perfect distraction for us" she says bitting into her food. " I don't know Triss, it doesn't sound safe" Stacy says. "What do you mean" ?. Triss asks. " Going to a random location that an app sends you to doesn't sound perfectly safe". Stacy answers. " Oh come on Stacy! Don't be wanker" Bill says nudging her. She glares at him and he wraps an arm around her shoulder. " I'm not changing my judgement" she says. " Well that might be true Stacy, but doesn't it depend on your intention"? I ask. She raises an eyebrow and I continue, " As long as we don't search for some dangerous like 'horror' or 'chaos', I don't see a problem".
Triss smiles and hugs my arm, " Yes! I knew you'd be down Jask". I shrug and Bill leans over the table. " So do you have the app Triss"? He asks. She nods and I watch her open up an app. " So what are we going for"? Bill asks.
" I don't know, I was thinking something like 'peace' or 'happiness' ". Triss says. Bill snorts. " Sounds boring, let's -" "Bill". Stacy says cutting him off with a warning.  He looks at her before falling back quietly. " How about we do a mixture"? I suggest. " A mixture"? Triss asks. "Yes. Let's set the intention to some thing like 'thrilling' or 'mysterious' or hell, 'magical' "! I answer. Triss looks back to both Stacy and Bill. They all sit there for awhile before Bill nods. "Sounds fine". Triss looks to Stacy and she shrugs. Then with a nod, Triss types up the words in the search bar. She waits for awhile before standing up, "Guys I found something"! She exclaims. "Where"? I ask. "It's a place just outside of London, out to country side". She says.  We all exchange looks before nodding. "I don't see why not. Let's go rondonuting". Bill says getting up. Myself along with stacy and Triss get up too while following Bill. We pay the bill before leaving the diner and going to the car. Once we're in, Bill starts up his engine " Ok Triss, tell me the location".

A/N : And that's the first chapter! I really wanted to write this considering 1. Wattpad doesn't have enough Geraskier content, 2. The sudden inspiration from the app. 3. The witcher ended on a bad note . Please bear in mind this is pure Fiction and I might not be fully correct on some aspects, especially spoilers. But that aside, please vote and comment your thoughts!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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The Randonaut Experience that changed my life.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora