Part 1 - Practice Patrol

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"Awww man, this sucks!"
Kaminari groaned.
Him and Sero were wandering around the streets of Tokyo, on a practice patrol for their studies at UA. Clearly, they were getting bored.
Sero spoke up, "oh, come on, it's not that bad."
"Dude we've been walking around for an hour. We haven't seen any crime."
The black haired boy and the yellow eyed guy were best friends. They'd known each other ever since they began middle school together and hung out constantly. They enrolled in UA, the best hero school in Japan, got into the same class, and we're now training to be heroes.
"I hope Mina and Aoyama aren't getting anything better" Kaminari said.
"And I hope you're saying that because you hope there is less crime today." Sero replied.
Suddenly, they heard a scream from around the corner. "HELP! HEROES! THE SHOP IS BEING ROBBED!"
Sero and Kaminari rushed over to the sound, and saw two people on the street, covered in rubble and emerging out of the dust. They had just gone into the jewelery store on the side of the street and had left it in ruins. One of them had a quirk that made look like a boar, around ten feet tall and almost just as wide. He was bulky and angry. The other person was wearing regular bland clothes, holding a large gun and a bullet case wrapped around her torso. She had flamy red hair, and her quirk wasn't showing.
Each of them were holding big bags, probably full with jewelery. The woman  spotted the two heroes in training and yelled to the boar man "dude, there's heroes, we gotta run!" They both ran seperate ways.
Sero yelled to kaminari "I'll take the red haired on, you take the boar man!"
"Right!" Kaminari replied just before sprinting after the villain.

Chargebolt had chased the boar human to an alleyway. He aimed is new gear at him and released a whip of lightning. The new gauntlet that Hatsume from the support course had made him was coming in useful. The villain was shocked, shaking ruthlessly, and fell to the ground. The electric boy jumped on top of him and took out his handcuffs that Aizawa had trusted him with. Kaminari clicked the metal together and yelled "you are under arr-".
A black smoke fogged up his brain, leaving him dizzy and confused. He tried to shake it off, but with no success, the last thing he saw before blacking out was a messy pink haired woman walking over to him, carrying a strange device that the smoke seemed to be coming out of. She said something like "subject" and "plan is perfection".
And Kaminari passed out.

Meanwhile, Cellophane had just apprehended the villain carrying the gun, and handed her in to the police. Next, he took out the communication device kaminari and him were both using and talked into it.
"Hey, Chargebolt, you got the villain yet?"
No response.
"What's taking you so long?"
Again no response.
Rolling his eyes, despite being slightly worried about his friend, he swung tape around lampposts and sides of buildings to get to the place kaminari and him had separated. The boar was huge, and left large foot prints in the street, so Sero had no trouble following them. Once he got to the alley, he saw the other villain just waking up with handcuffs on one of his large hands. Before he was able to fully regain conciousness, the tape hero tied him up with his quirk.
Now that that was over...
Where was Kaminari?

602 wordsss ayeeee

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