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Arriving at the mall I hear Ali squealing happily as she jumps out of the car right before I put the car in park, seeing her bolt to the entrance. I just sit in the parking stall shocked at what I just saw as I put the car into park.

I quietly get out of the car as I am still in shock and I follow behind her. As I finally catch up to her I shake my head in disbelief. " Ali what was that about" I huff out.

"Sorry sorry I got to excited plus I heard that Maxium Blackly will be here" She giggle excitedly. I just look at her confused, "Who is Maxium  Blackly?" I keep walking forward towards the food court.

"He is like the most deadliest, handsome, richest playboy mafia leader in the world. Every girl wants to be bed by him or just even catch his eye." She grabs my hand and stops me from moving forward and I look back at her confused. "Plus I heard he is looking for a mafia queen" Ali looks at me seriously for a split second before she drags me off to Victoria secret.

"Soooo what I'm getting here is that you wanted to be bed by a deadly mafia leader dude and that's why you wanted to hang out today?" I ask confused.

"Yes and no but anyways come on. We need to spice up your wardrobe" She drags me inside as I cringe at all the lacy and revealing clothing.

"Why are we in here?" I grimaced every second I stand longer in the store.

"We need to get you some sexy underwear and bras" I completely zone out at the word sexy as I feel myself getting pulled to a fitting room with a handful of clothes.

"Try them on now" Ali shoos me inside and I shut the door. I look down and scrunch my nose up in displeasure.

2 hours later Ali finally let me leave the shop with two bags full of clothes and a broke bank account. "I-I am never going in there again" I grumble out as I plop down onto a chair new the fountain.

"It wasn't that bad Luna" Ali sang out as she sits next to me and hands me a water. "You know I don't go shopping like crazy like you. Normally I can live in the same clothes for 1-2 years before I have to get a new one or something." as soon as I take a drink of my water I hear a group of girls walk by whispering quietly, "Did you see him,?" "He looks so hot," "I wanna carry his babies."

As I watch the girls pass, I follow their gaze to a man in tight jeans and a fitted white button up. "He is attractive but not my type" I hum out softly as I tear my gaze away and hop off the bench as head over to the trash can to throw away my water.

As I head back over to my spot next to Ali I feel a piercing gaze watch me. I shiver and look over and see the male I saw before staring intently at me. He was so focused on me that he was ignoring the conversation he was in.

"Ali lets go" I mumble out as I tear my gaze away from him once more. I grab a hold of her hand as I drag her away ignoring her protest in the process.

"Stop! Why are we leaving? We just got here maybe 2 hours ago Luna." I feel Ali rip her hand from my grip as she stops walking.

"I am just tired plus I have work later anyways" I say avoiding her gaze. If I look at her in the eyes she will know I am lying so just stay cool Luna. Just stay cool.

Ali looks at me hesitantly before sighing softly. "Fine we can go. Im broke now anyways" She slowly comes over and wraps her arms around me as we awkwardly waddle away.

As we got farther away I kept feeling the piercing gaze of that man against my back. Shivering again I slide into the driver seat and placing the key in the engine.

"Home sweet home we go!" I holler out as I pull out of the parking lot. I hope to never see that mystery man again, I pray out in my head. I glance over to my best friend seeing her screaming her lungs out happily to the music.

"Lets just hope today gets easier" I sigh out as I speed down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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