Chapter II: Pesky Roommates

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Alas, the Submarine shifted into the sea, in search of the lost empire. (Y/N) proceeded to the room she was assigned in. As she opened the door, she spotted a bag filled with mechanical tools, hammers, nails, you name it. There was only one person in the entire crew that wouldn't have left without these.


"HIYAH!" She shouted, jokingly punching (Y/N)'s arm non stop.

"Don't even try."

"You're no fun!" She sat down on the creaky bed, hands relaxed behind her head.

The two laughed, having been separated for some time.

"So, how's your dad?" (Y/N) asked, in all curiousness.

"He's an old man, working in our shop. He's currently fixing a massive tank!" Audrey removed her gloves and continued her response, "He may be a little grumpy at times, but that just helps me learn things. How about you? How's your familia? I mean, your siblings. Are they doing alright?"

(Y/N) sighed. "Well, ever since my mom died, we weren't exactly the same as we used to be. My father married a new woman and left us to be taken care of by my grandma, and just our luck! She's no good in babysitting."

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). If there's anything I could do-"

"Oh, no no! Don't fuss. I appreciate your concern."

"Tonight's supper will be baked beans.. Musical program to follow. Ugh, who wrote this..?"

As the two continued to have chats, Milo, on the other hand, was having a little bit of trouble with his new roommates. When he had finally found his room, he lied down on the bottom of a bunk bed, finally getting some rest after a busy day. Just when he shut his eyes, some kind of mechanical scope zoomed in on his face, along with a dangling light flickering on right in front of him. Opening his eyes, he gasped in shock, pursued by a person from above the bed to observe him more closely.

"Aah! You have disturbed the dirt!"

"Uh.. P-Pardon..?" Milo scratched his head in confusion. "Dirt? Disturbed what?"

"DIRT! Dirt from around the world, spanning the centuries!" The man pulled the bedsheets, revealing piles of dirt with flags of countries placed on top of each stack. He let out a dramatic gasp.

Milo quickly stood up, disgusted of what he just lied down on "What's it doing in my bed?!"

"You ask too many questions. Who are you? Who has sent you? Speak up!"

"Me-? Uh.. I'm-" He didn't even let Milo finish, grabbing his arm squeezing it in his.

"Bah! I will know soon enough."

Milo clearly wasn't having it tonight, he seemed very weirded out by this stranger.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let go!"

"Agh, Don't be such a crybaby! Now, hold still."

He plucked out a piece of dirt in Milo's nail, examining it with his mechanical glasses.

"Aha! There you are. Let's see.. Tell me your story, little friend. Parchment fiber from the Nile circa 500 B. C. Lead pencil, number 2. Paint flecks.. of a type used in government buildings. You have a cat, a short haired Persian. two years old, third in a litter of seven. There are all the microscopic fingerprints... of the mapmaker.. And linguist."

Now that, is mesmerizing.
Milo was rather confused on how this man can be able to tell all of that from just a speck of dirt in one's finger.

"H-Hey, How did you-"

"This is an outrage! You must leave at once! Out, out, out!" He started pushing Milo towards the exit, but both were stopped by a tall man, muscular, holding a bath towel.

"Uh oh. Sat in the dirt, didn't you?" He raised one eye brow up. "Moliere, what have I told you about playing nice with the other kids?" He revealed a bar of soap and began to threaten Mole with it.
"Get back! I got a bar of soap and I ain't afraid to use it!"
Mole hissed, dashing back into his bed to hide underneath the blankets.
"Back, foul creature! Back to the pit from which you came!"

The tall man turned to Milo with a grunt
"The name's Sweet. Joshua Sweet, Medical Officer."
He introduced himself, Milo doing the same.

"Milo Thatch."

"Milo Thatch.. You're my 3 o'clock! Welp, no time like the present." He started going through his bags, picking out some medical supplies and throwing them in the air as he kept digging through the essentials.

"Oh, boy.." Milo whispered

Sweet pulled out a huge shiny saw from his case, scaring Milo even more than he was already.
"Nice, isn't it? The catalog says that this little beauty.. Can saw through a femur in 28 seconds. I'm bettin' I can cut that time in half." Finally have found what he's been looking for, he pulled out a stick and waved it in the air. "Now, stick out your tongue and say "ahh.""

"Oh- No, no. I really- I hav- Aaaah-"

"So, Milo! Where you from?"

He tried his best to answer Sweet's questions, mumbling gibberish with the stick in his mouth.

"Uarhintog thizi."

"Really? I have a family that lives up that way! Beautiful country up there. Do you do any fishing?"

Again with his questions, he blabbered
"Mweh I ron relwy. Mu?"

"Me? Oh I hate fishing. I hate fish. Hate the taste, hate the smell.. And all of them little bones."

Afterwards, Sweet turned to grab two huge liters of jars and handed them out to Milo.
"I'ma need you to fill these up."

He spluttered out the stick, shrieking in confusion "With what?!"

"Will Milo Thatch please report to the bridge."

"Oh, thank you." Milo sighed in relief forgetting about the current situation

"Uh- Uh.. I mean- Uh.. Nice meeting you.."
He ran out of the door without waiting for the two's response, just wanting to get the hell out of there.

"Uh-huh, Nice meeting you too! And say hello to Dr. (Last Name) for me!" Sweet shouted, waving his arms goodbye to Milo.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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