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I ponder as I write

Should I or should I not

I write word, a para to delete

Should I or should I not

Is the world looking at me

You fool it's your muddled brain you see

Is the world going to judge me

Silly mind,stop being a baby

Nobody has time to ponder
All busy In their own drama to fender.

To find a sheltar am I doing enough to render

Or am I being enough for my son

Or for my husband's want

Or is it me failing again

Silly brain you trying again to regain

Why don't you think instead
Nothing is lost, and that's what lost is gone

You Overthinker,

Stop, for a minute.

Stare for a second.

Take a deep breath.

And go ahead with stealth.

To Begin from the end

It's ok. Funny brain.

It's absolutely always ok. Relax.


should I or should I not

My brain starts beginning.

The foolish cycle of overthinking


* This is me now.. going over and over things beyond my control,some in control

Should I or should I not.*

Random raindrops and rainbowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora