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"I can't do this"! I sobbed out my head falling onto the pillow, my legs wide, sweat on my forehead, my colorful hair in an mess.

Troye only kisses my sweaty forehead.

"Just think Tyler soon will see our little girl and boy" Troye suggested pulling my head up.

I was tired, I was in pain, I had been in labor for 33 hours and not one baby had came out yet, I was exhausted.

"You are fully dilated" The Doctor pronounced as the nurses put on the gloves getting the baby warmers ready.

I only shook my head exhaustion taking over me...I did have to push, badly but there was just to much pain.

Troye looks at the doctors and nurses before pulling my body up to sit behind me on the hospital bed, holding my head up with his shoulder using both of his hands to pull my legs back into the birthing position.

"Just push baby, I got you" Troye whispered into my ear.

I take my first push eyes closed as long as I can while the doctor counts to ten, I stop at one.

"That was an very good push, I can see the head" The doctor exclaimed looking up at us before going back.

"Now push" she added.

I push hissing when I felt the baby's shoulders before hearing loud whines, I sit up a little with the help of troye to look at our baby.

"Its a girl" She yelled out showing her to us with carful arms.

She was covered in blood and afterbirth but she was ours and then the baby was whisked away to be checked on.

I groan again my head falling onto Troyes's chest as Troye sets me up right holding my thighs open again as the doctor checked me again.

"Seems your fully dilated again get ready to push again Mr.Oakley" She said looking up at us.

I groan pushing down as she counted down letting go when it was done.

"Great, Great, again" She yelled.

I push again my nails sinking into Troye's arm as I pushed.

"Great I see the head, full head of hair" She said with a smile looking up at us.

Troye kisses my neck before I pushed again.

"OK here comes the shoulders, push but push slowly or you'll rip"

My eyes go wider. Rip?!

Troye only kisses behind my ear.

"You have this baby, just push softly" He whispered in my ear.

"I'm never letting you touch me again" I yelled out. (classic)

Troye only replies with an "mmh".

I push again sighing when he came out smoothly.

"No more children" Troye asked quietly to me as he got up from behind me helping my body sit up correctly since I was so sore.

I look at him all sweaty and in pain in nothing but his gamer tee.

"Fuck no" I replied.

He only pecks my lips.

The nurses walk over with our babies handing me our little boy while Troye got our little girl both were in distinctive blankets, boy in blue and girl in pink later we would dress them in what we had packed.

"There both healthy" One nurse said with a small smile.

While the other asked. "Do you have any names"?

Me and Troye look at each other before looking down at our bundles of joy in our arms.

"Rut"( pronounced root) I said with a smile looking at my little girl who looked so much like Troye with brown hair and dark green eyes.

"Noah" Troye replied rocking the little boy in his arms who had blond hair with brown highlights with bright green eyes.

These were our babies.


Okay so a lot of you wanted more and here is more.

If you want even more of this one shot just tell me.



Tyler and IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora