Cherry Flavoured

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sweet and sour motivation
wish i could keep concentration



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     IT IS SIMPLY TOO EASY for Vinnie Pepman to pretend she knows who she is

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     IT IS SIMPLY TOO EASY for Vinnie Pepman to pretend she knows who she is. Fast cars, rich boys and vanilla perfume covered pearls spill from her hands, coating her figure in a superficial gloss Vinnie shines in. She paints herself with an untouchable imagine, leaning against her boyfriend's arm in the Hawkins High parking lot like she actually loves him, and smoking joints behind the gym where teachers pretend like they can't see her. She is all short skirts and cherry lipgloss, a lusty enigma that can not be much more than a bubble brained airhead basking in daddy's money. Vinnie likes it that way.

The looks of distaste for the way she carries herself, like a small joke she shares with no one, gazing back with doe eyes like she doesn't understand. It's easy to show people something they already expect to see and Vinnie has absolutely no desire to explain the deeper parts of herself. Vinnie will not take a good long look at herself because who will be staring back? A ghost, maybe. Or perhaps the empty doll she has built around herself. It's too much, too real and Vinnie can't handle that. She glides through everything, — her mothers death, her sisters disappearance and the haunting that follows. (whatever got her sister is coming for her.) — to stop would be to drown and Vinnie fights hard to stay above the waves, thrashing against the current that aims to submerge her.

     But, against her better judgment, Vinnie has begun to notice things. She notices her boyfriend's wandering eyes, the smell of something rotten smothering half the town, and the way Steve Harrington will not stop staring. She wants to be nothing but this town won't let her, it brings up a mirror at every turn and Vinnie is forced to notice herself in ways that makes the blood thrum softly under her pale skin in terror. Vinnie tries to ignore it for as long as she can, devouring the teenage experience with enough sinful yearning it could make a god jealous, and splays herself out across the stars for all of Hawkins to judge.

CHERRY FLAVOURED, steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now