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"What's that?" Jay said as he moves quietly towards the sounds, he finds it terrifying when it's almost night and you're in a thick forest and don't know how the way out

He walks towards it and quickly froze when he hears the bushes nears him moves. He turns his head to the moving bushes and slowly makes his way to it.

He inspect the bush and takes the nearest tree branch as a weapon if something went south.

He moves the bush to look clearly at the moving creature and saw

A boy around his age?

"Ayo" Jay said clearly suprised

The boy looks up and say "oh hi" he smiles

"What in the hell are you doing here?"

"I should ask you too"

"Oh I'm lost"

"Yeah I'm just searching for things for my project"

"Oh cool"

"What's your name?" Jay asked first

"Matthews Athens you can call me Matt... and you?" Matt asked back

"Oh I'm Jayden Brown, call me jay"

"Oh, it's nice to meet you"

"You too" Jayden smiles


10 years after


Jay turns around to spot his 1 year older than him best friend


He runs towards Matt to give him a hug

"Man I know it's been a year but I miss you so much dude" Jay said

"I know pal, it's okay we're forever together now! Cus I buy us a house and we will start a business together!" Matt said

"Wait really?" Jay suprised as he broke the hug

"Yeah! Sounds nice right?"

"You just wasted your money just like that?!?!" Jay said

"Yeah! y'know it's not that much... Only 10,000 like so" Matt said

Jay knows Matt is very rich but he couldn't believe he did it just for them to live together


"Hey, I mean we can gain back my money if you're really wanted to pay me back" Matt said

"Oh! That's alright!"

"C'mon let me show your our home"


The end

even thoughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora