Ch. 1

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The boy, 'Sylvester', was walking around Dihua Marsh, somehow not getting interrogated about his appearance. Apparently the Milleliths are blind to suspicious cloaked people. 'Sylvester' was walking around the marsh listening in to the conversations around him, but one particular one stuck out from the rest.
"Hey have you heard?" One of the Milleliths said to the other. "They say there's a strange guy walking around Liyue's StoneGate and the Dawn Winery, they have started to call this guy "Torva Messor", pretty freaky right? It turns out they look just like the myth."
"Oh come on, you don't believe that stuff do you? It's probably some adventurers pulling tricks again." The second guard said, rolling his eyes. "And besides, the myth of Torva Messor has been around for ages, he doesn't really exists. It should really be called The Legend of Torva Messor, I mean, c'mon, a guy rivaling the power of the Archons! It's ridiculous!"
"But this is different, Torva Messor caught a Treasure Hunter not to long ago, and when they interrogated him, he refused to speak. And! And they said that the area they found him in had started to wilt. He's real! The god of Death is real!"
The boy stopped listening and smiled. "Oh? My, this is interesting..."
He walked up to the guards, and pulling down his cloak hood, he taps one of their shoulders. "Excuse me, sir."
The Milleliths turn around startled. The boy looking at them had brown hair with black tips. He had odd dead and hollow black eyes that unnerved the Milleliths. His skin was almost cream but an unhealthy shade of it .
"Y-Yes? What do you need? Do you need to see the doctor? I recommend the Bubu pharmacy for medical herbs, although its quite the ways awa-"
"Oh no no, my health is fine despite how I may appear. But I have a proposal for you my good sirs."
"And what may that be?"
"Instead of talking about pointless rumors around the area, perhaps you should pay more attention to your stations, wouldn't want any casualties on our hands now do we?"
"I-I, of course, how silly of me. Well if that is enough, you should be on your way."
'Sylvester' walks away from the guards with a wave. When his figure was far in the distance, the first Millelith turned to the other wide eyed.
"H-Hey, that kid, he looks just like how they describe Torva Messor!"
"Not this again...It's just a coincidence! Torva Messor doesn't exist!"
...or does he?
{With 'Sylvester'}
"So, thats what they call me, huh?" 'Sylvester' muttered under his breath as he headed down the marsh, "Torva Messor..."
The boy, walks across the marsh and nears Stone Gate. He spots a few Hilichurls vibing near a campfire, a large Mitachurl next to them. He creeps up to the camp, letting the Hilichurls spot him before taking his scythe out.
"There's no escape! Shattered Spirits!"
The ground under the Hilichurls broke apart and chains came out and attached themselves to the Hilichurls and Mitachurl, slowly dealing a new and unheard of element, an element called Mortem. Torva Messor runs at the Mitachurl and swings his scythe horizontally cracking its armored face. He goes for another swing and cuts the Mitachurl armor in half. Now that the armor around is gone, his elemental burst can do the rest without defense on raw skin. The chains coming from the ground start retreating, carrying the monsters down with them. The monsters try to crawl back out but lose their energy and turn to dust. The Mitachurl managed to crawl out, leaving its foot inside the ground and tried to grab at Torva Messor. The monster somehow grabbed its axe and threw it at Torva Messor only for him to dodge and cut the Mitachurls body in half. Its arm reaches for Torva Messors face but it deteriorated half way on its target.
"...That was too easy.." He said as he watched the remaining monsters die and buried under the earth of Teyvat. Torva Messor was about to leave and go to the Dawn Winery, as one does, but was smacked across the dirt platform he was on. Getting up and spitting out some dirt, he looked at his attacker. "Reinforcements?"
A Dendro Samachurl had wacked him with its staff and was creating those annoying thorn barriers.
"Wow! You pack a punch, huh? But your so...scrawny?"
No other monsters were coming this way so he must have over looked the pests existence, it was rather beefy for a pest actually. What universe is this? JoJo? Torva Messor raised his scythe and ran toward the Samachurl, avoiding contact with the barriers. He swung his scythe in a cross pattern and swung down vertically, creating a wave of Mortem. The Dendro and Mortem collided creating an elemental reaction called Wither. Torva Messor felt his health go up slowly as the Samachurl started to weakly shake, using its staff as a cane. The young sickly boy put his scythe behind the Samachurls head and with a mighty pull, cut off the poor creatures noggin. The body of the creature turned to dust as Torva Messor put away his scythe and stretched.
"Well, that was just pathetic...I guess Dendro isn't the best element against me..." The reaper mused. "Hmmm...I am the Dendro slayer? They could make a play about that...wait...does that mean that the man who runs the Bubu pharmacy is called Doctor Dendro?"
Before Torva Messor could get into the thought any further, his head perked up as he heard footsteps coming, human by the sounds of it. So he did what any sensible person would do and ran behind a rock.
"Come Oz! These foul creatures must be expe-huh?" A female voice said before stopping at where the Hilichurl camp was. "What happened here?!"
"It seems, mein frualein, that someone has already dealt with the problem." said another voice. "And not a trace left."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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